Monday, May 17, 2010

Eric Holder Refuses To Say "Radical Islam"

When ever you kill a leader you take a risk...

that it will only make their message that much more powerful. But not killing them allows them to spread their message in ways it wouldn't if they were dead. It is a hard choice.
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Even leaving aside the constitutional questions (al-Awlaki is an American citizen), doesn’t Obama see what a gift the killing of this imam would be to his cause? Just ask the Romans how their anti-Jesus-movement strategy worked out. (And Jesus’s followers didn’t have their leader’s sermons saved in ready-to-go video and audio files; al-Awlaki’s resurrection would be vivid indeed.)

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What a silly claim for Maher to make....

Mainstream Media, or liberal media, or whatever you want to call it has taken a fair number of shots at religion - and Christianity. It has also done a fair amount of supporting it as well. I'm not sure why Maher would even make a claim, that on the surface can so easily be shown false.

On a side note, S.E. looks hot on her book cover.
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On Friday night's Real Time, HBO talk-host Bill Maher berated conservative (and fellow atheist) S.E. Cupp for her new book Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media's Attack on Christianity. “Liberals are not atheists any more than conservatives are. Michael Moore is religious! Chris Matthews is religious! Al Sharpton is religious!” Maher went so far as to insist the liberal media has “never” attacked religion:

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