Monday, March 3, 2008

Star Magazine | News | K-Fed's Piling On The Pounds

Star Magazine News K-Fed's Piling On The Pounds:

"Kevin Federline? Looks more like Kevin Well-Fed-erline! Yes, this is the toned
back-up dancer who, just four years ago, turned Britney Spears' head, and talked
her into marriage. But now, as a single dad, Kevin spends most of his time on
diaper duty for their two kids, instead of keeping trim in the dance studio --
and it shows."

Forget Britney, it looks like Kevin is the pregnant one.

Jason Davis Busted | A Socialite's Life

Jason Davis Busted A Socialite's Life:

"Brandon Davis' clownish brother got pinched on Friday night after he was pulled
over by the LAPD. Officers found a 'controlled substance' in his behemoth-mobile
and tossed him in the clink. He was bailed out to the tune of 10K on Saturday
afternoon by his 'stepdad'. Well, we know it wasn't coke."

It looks like being rich, a do-nothing celeb and crime are all part of the same party mix these days.


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