Crooks and Liars » Colin Powell: Get rid of Gitmo and restore Habeas Corpus:
" I watched the disgraced Colin Powell tell Russert that he thinks the US has
lost the moral high ground in dealing with terrorists and we should close
Guantanamo Bay and restore Habeas corpus. "
I think that this is an important point that is over looked in the debate. I think that often our actions, when looked at in the war against terror, help the enemy. While there is cause for some individuals to be held for the long term to assure that they do not continue to attack America, taking the path that the Bush Administration has taken is the path away from our core values. If we are to defend America against people who hate our values, then sacrificing those values is a losing move. As the strongest power in the world right now, we have the obligation to be a leader in our actions, and to set the example for other countries. The torture of prisoners, the secrets around our holding of prisoners in secret jails and the suspension of our values hurt our image globally. The war on terror, is a war of image more than any war that our country has faced, when we lose the trust of the world, it is easier for terrorists to sell their message.
As America what we have to offer the world is the ideas of freedom, and justice. The war on terror isn't going to be fought by setting those aside. We will win the war on terror only if we can be an example for these values that the world can follow.