Saturday, September 15, 2007
Who Is... United States Republican presidential candidates, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States Republican presidential candidates, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Duncan Hunter, born May 31, 1948, in Riverside, California, U.S. Representative from that state and former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Hunter formally announced his presidential candidacy in Spartanburg, South Carolina, on January 25, 2007. He is known for his strong stance against illegal immigration, support and opposition to free trade agreements like North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organization.[32] He introduced H.R. 552, The Right to Life Act, 'to implement equal protection . . . for the right to life of each born and preborn human person'; it has over 100 co-sponsors."
"Duncan Hunter, born May 31, 1948, in Riverside, California, U.S. Representative from that state and former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Hunter formally announced his presidential candidacy in Spartanburg, South Carolina, on January 25, 2007. He is known for his strong stance against illegal immigration, support and opposition to free trade agreements like North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organization.[32] He introduced H.R. 552, The Right to Life Act, 'to implement equal protection . . . for the right to life of each born and preborn human person'; it has over 100 co-sponsors."
Alan Keyes announces for President!
Alan Keyes announces for President!:
What, is there really going to be another person in this bloody race. There are already so many that it is hard to keep track of them all. This brings the number of Republican candidates to a total of 10.
"On Friday, Sept. 14, Alan Keyes filed a Statement of Candidacy (Form 2)
with the Federal Election Commission--thus officially announcing as a Republican
candidate for President of the United States. Keyes told Janet Parshall, host of
a nationally syndicated radio show, that he's 'unmoved' by the lack of moral
courage shown by the other candidates, among whom he sees no standout who
articulates the 'key kernel of truth that must, with courage, be presented to
our people.'"
What, is there really going to be another person in this bloody race. There are already so many that it is hard to keep track of them all. This brings the number of Republican candidates to a total of 10.
Global Warming Obsessed Media Unfazed by Soaring Wheat Prices |
Global Warming Obsessed Media Unfazed by Soaring Wheat Prices
Not only will ethanol from corn not solve the energy crisis that America is in. It will not decrease global warming that much, since the amount of energy put into production of ethanol is equal and sometime more than what is obtained from it. It drives up the cost of food products throughout the market and could bring more land into crop production.
"Earlier this year, corn began getting pricey because it was in high
demand to make ethanol. That sent prices rising for other corn-dependent
products, including milk and meat. Now wheat is costing more and more because of
poor harvests and greater global demand, sending grocery bills still higher. The
price of wheat futures reached a record $9 a bushel on the Chicago Board of
Trade on Wednesday. And the higher food prices that have resulted from the
increase -- items like baguettes, rigatoni and cupcakes cost more -- come at a
time when consumers are already feeling strained by energy prices and mortgage
Not only will ethanol from corn not solve the energy crisis that America is in. It will not decrease global warming that much, since the amount of energy put into production of ethanol is equal and sometime more than what is obtained from it. It drives up the cost of food products throughout the market and could bring more land into crop production.
McCain Says ' Ought to be Thrown Out of This Country’ |
McCain Says ' Ought to be Thrown Out of This Country’
I agree with McCain about the substance of the ad, it wasn't fair, and it wasn't right. However, they are using their right to free speech for what it was intended to be used for. To question those in power. The general works for the American people, and the American people have the right to express their opinions on the job they feel he is doing. Again, the tone is wrong, and I believe they shouldn't be targeting the general, but they have that right.
"Speaking in front of a group in Hudson, New Hampshire, while holding a blown-up
copy of the ad, McCain said It's disgraceful, it's got to be retracted and
condemned by the Democrats, and ought to be thrown out of this
I agree with McCain about the substance of the ad, it wasn't fair, and it wasn't right. However, they are using their right to free speech for what it was intended to be used for. To question those in power. The general works for the American people, and the American people have the right to express their opinions on the job they feel he is doing. Again, the tone is wrong, and I believe they shouldn't be targeting the general, but they have that right.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » WaPo ombudsman: We should have published the Opus cartoons
Hot Air » Blog Archive » WaPo ombudsman: We should have published the Opus cartoons:
It was a mistake to censor something that did not clearly endanger a group of people or an individual. That is the only reason that speech should be limited, if it is a clear danger to physical someones well being. In not printing the cartoons, the paper sent the message that freedom of expression isn't that important to them.
"Executive Editor Len Downie decided to kill the [first] strip because he felt
the language and depiction of Muslim female dress could be offensive. He
consulted with other editors, one of whom talked to a Muslim staff member, who
believed the strip was problematic…Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on
American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights and advocacy group, wasn’t offended.
“‘Opus’ poked fun at the strip’s characters, not Muslims or Islam. I see
hundreds worse on the Internet every day,” he said.Akbar Ahmed, chair of Islamic
studies at American University, also wasn’t offended. He said there is a strong
Muslim tradition of satire and self-deprecation. “I think there is a danger of
us becoming so politically correct that we end up by blunting the critics’ bent
and the satirists’ wit. Muslims need to be sensitive to the fact that in Western
culture there is a healthy tradition of not taking things too seriously.”"
It was a mistake to censor something that did not clearly endanger a group of people or an individual. That is the only reason that speech should be limited, if it is a clear danger to physical someones well being. In not printing the cartoons, the paper sent the message that freedom of expression isn't that important to them.
U.S. looks to expand Anbar model -
U.S. looks to expand Anbar model -
Could this program be something that brings Iraqis together? The attacks against it in the north have been that it was arming one side, which would make it better armed in the coming civil war. If we can work with the other side and get them involved it will help to show that it isn't our goal to arm one sect against the others. I think it would be great if terrorists who tried to split up Iraq, end up uniting Iraqis against them.
"KUT, Iraq (AP) — American commanders in southern Iraq say Shiite sheiks
are showing interest in joining forces with the U.S. military against
extremists, in much the same way that Sunni clansmen in the western part of the
country have worked with American forces against al-Qaeda."
Could this program be something that brings Iraqis together? The attacks against it in the north have been that it was arming one side, which would make it better armed in the coming civil war. If we can work with the other side and get them involved it will help to show that it isn't our goal to arm one sect against the others. I think it would be great if terrorists who tried to split up Iraq, end up uniting Iraqis against them.
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Note to Elizabeth Edwards: Lay Off MoveOn
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Note to Elizabeth Edwards: Lay Off MoveOn:
Dear MoveOn,
What happened to freedom of expression in this country. When you sign up to be in the move on forces is it submitting yourself to a form of control that is known as Democratic Centralism. Yeah, thats the kind of government that they have in China. Basically is says that you don't have the right to say bad things about the party. That would make MoveOn the new communist party in this country, and to speak ill against it is to be thrown out of it. The party only supports those that follow its line and don't question every step that it takes.
Heads up MoveOn-ers, lay off Elisabeth. You accuse her of repeating right wing talking points, as it the idea had to have come from the right. Do you think that Mrs. Edwards is so stupid that she needs other people to think for her. You must. You think that you must do her thinking for her, and that she should just follow what your party says is right. When she steps out of line, since she is too stupid in your mind to think for herself, she must be repeating someone else's ideas.
A short story. A visitor came to Washington during the Jefferson administration. While waiting in the lobby he saw that there were all these magazines filled with the most hateful things about Jefferson, on the table. He picked one up and took it with him when we talked to Jefferson. He asked him why he allowed those papers to be there. Jefferson told him, that if anyone asked what freedom of the press meant, to show them that paper and tell them where he got it.
MoveOn, your time has come, move on.
"You’re a smart woman. You of all people should know about the asymmetrical
intimidation problem that Paul Krugman talks about — the one where the media is
afraid to go after Rudy Guiliani for claiming he’s a rescue worker, but they’ll
try to demolish your husband over a haircut because they know that they’ll get
swarmed by the right wing noise machine for the former and pay no price for the
latter. That’s how it works. So I was really disappointed today to read at
Taylor Marsh’s place that you had joined with Diaper Dave Vitter and John
“McCarthy” McCain to attack MoveOn. We (and by that I mean the netroots) defend
you when the MSM try to make your campaign a pinata over stupid, insignificant
stuff. When they try to say your race should end because of your illness, but
don’t say squat about Fred Thompson’s lymphoma. We’re your first line of
defense, the only messaging machine that progressives have."
Dear MoveOn,
What happened to freedom of expression in this country. When you sign up to be in the move on forces is it submitting yourself to a form of control that is known as Democratic Centralism. Yeah, thats the kind of government that they have in China. Basically is says that you don't have the right to say bad things about the party. That would make MoveOn the new communist party in this country, and to speak ill against it is to be thrown out of it. The party only supports those that follow its line and don't question every step that it takes.
Heads up MoveOn-ers, lay off Elisabeth. You accuse her of repeating right wing talking points, as it the idea had to have come from the right. Do you think that Mrs. Edwards is so stupid that she needs other people to think for her. You must. You think that you must do her thinking for her, and that she should just follow what your party says is right. When she steps out of line, since she is too stupid in your mind to think for herself, she must be repeating someone else's ideas.
A short story. A visitor came to Washington during the Jefferson administration. While waiting in the lobby he saw that there were all these magazines filled with the most hateful things about Jefferson, on the table. He picked one up and took it with him when we talked to Jefferson. He asked him why he allowed those papers to be there. Jefferson told him, that if anyone asked what freedom of the press meant, to show them that paper and tell them where he got it.
MoveOn, your time has come, move on.
New leading choice for Attorney General says CNN - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth
New leading choice for Attorney General says CNN - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
If we could dig up President Ford and bring him back to life, I think he should be the new AG. What the country needs right now is someone who can work to heal the battle scars that are open in Washington right now. I think this goes back to Clinton as much as it goes back to Bush. Our government has stopped governing. We need someone who can walk into this battle, set right what needs to be set right let go what should be let go, and most important get the government moving again.
"CNN's John King's reported the 'Breaking News' that there's a new leading
candidate for Attorney General: Former Federal Judge Michael Mukasey. According
to King, Mukasey is acceptable to some Democrats. That, of course, means the
wing-nuts are freaking out. They want a fight for Ted Olson. "
If we could dig up President Ford and bring him back to life, I think he should be the new AG. What the country needs right now is someone who can work to heal the battle scars that are open in Washington right now. I think this goes back to Clinton as much as it goes back to Bush. Our government has stopped governing. We need someone who can walk into this battle, set right what needs to be set right let go what should be let go, and most important get the government moving again.
A Blog For All: Is Elizabeth Edwards Running For President?
A Blog For All: Is Elizabeth Edwards Running For President?:
This appears to be an effort to reach womyn voters, speak to them in a way that they are not getting from John. This is important in this campaign because of Hilary being in the race. She has a natural advantage for the womyn vote. That is unless Elisabeth can associate herself close enough with the campaign that voters think of her when they think of John.
"You know, it's interesting that Elizabeth Edwards gets far more press than her
husband. She just came out opposing the ad smearing General David
Petraeus. It's the right call, but is it surprising that John Edwards didn't
make that statement himself? This is a pattern over the past several months."
This appears to be an effort to reach womyn voters, speak to them in a way that they are not getting from John. This is important in this campaign because of Hilary being in the race. She has a natural advantage for the womyn vote. That is unless Elisabeth can associate herself close enough with the campaign that voters think of her when they think of John.
lgf: Fidel Goes Troofer
lgf: Fidel Goes Troofer:
I'm only surprised that it took him this long to throw in with the truthers and their insanity. I can understand why Fidel would want to say these things, that are clearly untrue. Why would Americans spread lies about their own country though.
"HAVANA (Reuters) - Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro said the U.S. government
misinformed Americans and the world about 9/11, echoing conspiracy theories
about the terror attacks against the United States six years ago. In an essay
read by a Cuban television presenter on Tuesday night, Castro said the Pentagon
was hit by a rocket, not a plane, because no traces were found of its
passengers. "
I'm only surprised that it took him this long to throw in with the truthers and their insanity. I can understand why Fidel would want to say these things, that are clearly untrue. Why would Americans spread lies about their own country though. | MoJoBlog - Social Issues and Political Commentary: GOP-Supported California Ballot Measure is Unconstitutional MoJoBlog - Social Issues and Political Commentary: GOP-Supported California Ballot Measure is Unconstitutional:
This is good news for Democrats not only in the golden state, but across the country. California is after all the work horse of electoral votes for Democrats. The legislature is now in the hands of the Democrats, and under the current political environment that doesn't seem likely to change. If it does though, this could come back, since the legislature would be able to make this change.
"The U.S. Constitution prohibits a ballot measure that would trump a state
legislature's chosen method of appointing electors. In Article II, Section 1,
the Constitution declares that electors shall be appointed by states 'in such
manner as the Legislature thereof may direct.' That's legislature."
This is good news for Democrats not only in the golden state, but across the country. California is after all the work horse of electoral votes for Democrats. The legislature is now in the hands of the Democrats, and under the current political environment that doesn't seem likely to change. If it does though, this could come back, since the legislature would be able to make this change. » The DREAM Act Would Be An American Nightmare! Amnesty Is BACK! » The DREAM Act Would Be An American Nightmare! Amnesty Is BACK!:
Rewarding people for breaking the law, will only lead to more people who will break the law.
"Senate Amendment 2237 to the bill, sponsored by Sen. Dick Durbin
(D-Ill.), is the DREAM Act, which would grant amnesty to illegal aliens that:
have maintained continuous presence in the United States for five years and was
not yet 16 years old upon initial entry; are of “good moral character” and is
not inadmissible or deportable on certain criminal grounds or on the basis of
being a risk to national security; and have been admitted to an institution of
higher education, has attained a high school diploma, or has obtained a GED in
the United States. In addition, amendments increasing availability of H-1B
“high-skill” foreign worker visas and permanent residence for foreign workers
and increasing the number of H-2B “low-skill” nonagricultural worker visas for
seasonal foreign workers are expected to be brought up."
Rewarding people for breaking the law, will only lead to more people who will break the law.
The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » US Lab Has Not Accounted For Plutonium Stock In Over A Decade
The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » US Lab Has Not Accounted For Plutonium Stock In Over A Decade:
It might be a silly thing, but isn't this something that you would want to keep track of. You know just so it doesn't get into the wrong hands. Imagine the irony of spending money trying to keep nuclear materials out of the country. Only to have a dirty bomb set off with material from inside the country. This really needs to change, someone should be charged with inventory and tracking of all nuclear material in country.
"A stockpile of plutonium and other nuclear weapons materials stored at Los
Alamos National Laboratory hasn’t been fully accounted for in 13 years or more,
a government audit has found."
It might be a silly thing, but isn't this something that you would want to keep track of. You know just so it doesn't get into the wrong hands. Imagine the irony of spending money trying to keep nuclear materials out of the country. Only to have a dirty bomb set off with material from inside the country. This really needs to change, someone should be charged with inventory and tracking of all nuclear material in country.
ABC News: Wesley Clark Endorses Hillary Clinton
ABC News: Wesley Clark Endorses Hillary Clinton:
This is going to give Hilary an advantage. This ads to her credibility as not only someone who knows about the armed forces, but is willing to protect them. Clark has strong connections to many groups on the left, his endorsement could cause some people in those groups to lean towards supporting Hilary. Gen. Clark is still someone that is respected among voters, and I think that his endorsement is going to mean a lot for Hilary.
"Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton was endorsed Saturday by retired Gen.
Wesley Clark, who sought the party's nomination in 2004 and whose sterling
military credentials could bolster her bid to be the first female commander in
chief. "
This is going to give Hilary an advantage. This ads to her credibility as not only someone who knows about the armed forces, but is willing to protect them. Clark has strong connections to many groups on the left, his endorsement could cause some people in those groups to lean towards supporting Hilary. Gen. Clark is still someone that is respected among voters, and I think that his endorsement is going to mean a lot for Hilary.
Thousands offered for cartoonist's death - Conflict in Iraq -
Thousands offered for cartoonist's death - Conflict in Iraq -
They are really showing their hand on this one. This isn't about hating the West because of our involvement in their lands. This is about control. They want to be able to control not only their people, they also want to control the west. This is an act of terrorism and we cannot back down to terrorists. Today they are threatening us to keep our voices silent about what they view as an insult to their religion. Meeting that demand would only strengthen them to ask for greater demands. The freedom and the culture of the western world is at stake here.
"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - The head of an al-Qaida-led group in Iraq offered
$100,000 for the killing of Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks over his drawing
depicting the Prophet Mohammad. 'From now on we announce the call to shed the
blood of the Lars who dared to insult our Prophet... and during this munificent
month we announce an award worth 100,000 to the person who kills this infidel
criminal,' said Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the self-styled Islamic State in
Iraq, in an audiotape posted on a Web site on Saturday."
They are really showing their hand on this one. This isn't about hating the West because of our involvement in their lands. This is about control. They want to be able to control not only their people, they also want to control the west. This is an act of terrorism and we cannot back down to terrorists. Today they are threatening us to keep our voices silent about what they view as an insult to their religion. Meeting that demand would only strengthen them to ask for greater demands. The freedom and the culture of the western world is at stake here.
ABC News: Powerball Win: Fantasy or Nightmare?
ABC News: Powerball Win: Fantasy or Nightmare?:
I could see how winning the lottery could be a very bad thing. It is just too much money, I would personally take the payments, which would mean you wouldn't have as much all at once. So much of who we are, is about the struggles we face. What happens when those are taken away, does it change us as people? a photographer using an old camera has learned how to get a great picture from it, it isn't easy but it is art. Give him a top of the line camera that he doesn't understand, will he be able to produce the same art, will it be too easy?
"Almost five years later, Whittaker is left with things money can't cure:
His daughter's cancer, a long list of indiscretions documented in newspapers and
court records, and an inability to trust others. 'I don't have any friends,' he
said in lengthy interview with The Associated Press. 'Every friend that I've
had, practically, has wanted to borrow money or something and of course, once
they borrow money from you, you can't be friends anymore.'"
I could see how winning the lottery could be a very bad thing. It is just too much money, I would personally take the payments, which would mean you wouldn't have as much all at once. So much of who we are, is about the struggles we face. What happens when those are taken away, does it change us as people? a photographer using an old camera has learned how to get a great picture from it, it isn't easy but it is art. Give him a top of the line camera that he doesn't understand, will he be able to produce the same art, will it be too easy?
ABC News: McCanns Relaunch Campaign for Madeleine
ABC News: McCanns Relaunch Campaign for Madeleine:
This is such a sad case, and now they are looking at the parents. Unless there is evidence that has not come out, I don't see that they have a solid case. The blood in the apartment is not telling, she is a child, and it isn't unusual for children to fall down and hurt themselves. There has been reports of blood in the car, but I have doubts about that since it wasn't found for such a long time. The main question is when did they commit this crime. It would have been before they went to diner, but their friends reportedly checked on the children for them a couple times during the meal. We don't know if that means they saw all the children or just checked for trouble. They couldn't have done it during the meal, they just didn't have the time. After the meal, they return to their apartment, report her missing and right away the police are there. No time again to cover up or remove the body.
"The parents of missing British toddler Madeleine McCann announced a new
campaign to find their daughter on Saturday. Over $150,000 will be spent from
the Find Madeleine Fund to pay for new posters, billboards, television, and
print advertising across Europe. The Find Madeleine campaign has raised over $2
million from donors. "
This is such a sad case, and now they are looking at the parents. Unless there is evidence that has not come out, I don't see that they have a solid case. The blood in the apartment is not telling, she is a child, and it isn't unusual for children to fall down and hurt themselves. There has been reports of blood in the car, but I have doubts about that since it wasn't found for such a long time. The main question is when did they commit this crime. It would have been before they went to diner, but their friends reportedly checked on the children for them a couple times during the meal. We don't know if that means they saw all the children or just checked for trouble. They couldn't have done it during the meal, they just didn't have the time. After the meal, they return to their apartment, report her missing and right away the police are there. No time again to cover up or remove the body. - Missing Michigan Newborn Girl Found Alive in South Carolina - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Missing Michigan Newborn Girl Found Alive in South Carolina - Local News News Articles National News US News:
This is great news for the family. The baby was taken from the mothers sisters house while she was attending to some medical problems at the hospital.
"Newborn Israel Bell, missing since Thursday, was abducted by a
17-year-old named Jasmin, according to police. Bell was found with Marquesta
Nelson, who is nicknamed Jasmin."
This is great news for the family. The baby was taken from the mothers sisters house while she was attending to some medical problems at the hospital.
ABC News: Whole Foods: A Whole New Approach to Employees' Health Coverage
ABC News: Whole Foods: A Whole New Approach to Employees' Health Coverage:
This sounds like a great plan if you are healthy, and don't spend that much on your health care. If you do spend more on your health care, I can see how you wouldn't be able to save up the money that the business gets you to be able to afford glasses or acupuncture. It makes people take more responsibility for their health care costs, which is a positive thing. But it isn't as easy as the older plans, where you just went to the hospital and it was covered.
"Whole Foods has an insurance policy with a high deductible. That means an
employee like Braden Weirs must pay about $1,000 before his insurance kicks in.
If he gets cancer or heart disease, his insurance covers it. But if he has a
sore throat or a sprained ankle, he pays. To help workers pay, Whole Foods puts
money into an account for them. Weirs got $1,500 this year. If he doesn't spend
it on medical care this year, he keeps it and the company adds more next year. "
This sounds like a great plan if you are healthy, and don't spend that much on your health care. If you do spend more on your health care, I can see how you wouldn't be able to save up the money that the business gets you to be able to afford glasses or acupuncture. It makes people take more responsibility for their health care costs, which is a positive thing. But it isn't as easy as the older plans, where you just went to the hospital and it was covered.
ABC News: Dubai Tower World's Tallest Structure
ABC News: Dubai Tower World's Tallest Structure:
That is more than a quarter mile high. I guess they feel safer over there building these huge buildings, they don't think that the terrorist are going to strike them. Is Dubai the new New York, new London, new Paris?
"Burj Dubai, the world's tallest building since July, has also become the
tallest free-standing structure on earth, reaching 1,822 feet, the developers
said. "
That is more than a quarter mile high. I guess they feel safer over there building these huge buildings, they don't think that the terrorist are going to strike them. Is Dubai the new New York, new London, new Paris?
MacGyver is our hero
MacGyver is our hero:
I loved this show when I was younger, he could fix any thing with a little tape and chewing gum. It is no wonder he is everyones favorite hero. He was also the least domineering of the heroes, most likely to work with the people that he was saving.
"Eighties television character MacGyver beat out Indiana Jones, James Bond
and Jack Bauer as the fictional hero most Americans would want by their side in
the event of a disaster."
I loved this show when I was younger, he could fix any thing with a little tape and chewing gum. It is no wonder he is everyones favorite hero. He was also the least domineering of the heroes, most likely to work with the people that he was saving.
September 14, 2007 - Happy Birthday, Amy Winehouse! | Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog
September 14, 2007 - Happy Birthday, Amy Winehouse! Allie Is Wired - The Entertainment Blog:
Happy Birthday Amy... Hopefully your next year is healthier than this one.
"Amy was born in the Southgate area of Enfield London to a Jewish family
with a history of jazz musicians. Her father Mitchell is a taxi driver and her
mother Janis is a chemist."
Happy Birthday Amy... Hopefully your next year is healthier than this one.
Jude Law and Sienna Miller are getting back together
Jude Law and Sienna Miller are getting back together:
What if this stage romance lead to a revival of their own romance. I think that these two are right for each other.
"Jude Law and his former fiancé Sienna Miller are set to be reunited - as lovers
on the London stage."
What if this stage romance lead to a revival of their own romance. I think that these two are right for each other.
Eminem is working on a new album — Top Socialite
Eminem is working on a new album — Top Socialite:
It will good to see him put out some new material. He has been spending a long time taking care of his family and working on other projects.
"I’m always working - I’m always in the studio. It feels good right now.
For a while, I didn’t want to go back to the studio. I went through some
personal things, but I’m coming out of those personal things now and it feels
good.’ "
It will good to see him put out some new material. He has been spending a long time taking care of his family and working on other projects.
Lindsay's Setting Up Camp In Rehab | POPSUGAR - Celebrity Gossip & News.
Lindsay's Setting Up Camp In Rehab POPSUGAR - Celebrity Gossip & News.:
I hope this means that she is taking it more seriously. She stayed longer at Promises than she needed, and she appeared to be focused on change after that. We all know the events that ended that period of being sober. Is Lindsay afraid to leave rehab. Sooner or later she is going to have to come out. Can she detach herself from the people that are going to push her back into drinking and drugs. Does she have the strength to cut her friends off, and start fresh? That is the real question and while I want her to be healthy, staying at rehab longer isn't going to answer that.
"LL has been in rehab for over a month now, which means we thought that we'd see
Lindsay back at the Ivy anytime now. However, apparently Lindsay has no plans to
leave Utah and will be in rehab for the foreseeable future. We'll see this as a
good sign that she is taking rehab seriously the third time around. LL has been
in rehab for over a month now, which means we thought that we'd see Lindsay back
at the Ivy anytime now. However, apparently Lindsay has no plans to leave Utah
and will be in rehab for the foreseeable future. We'll see this as a good sign
that she is taking rehab seriously the third time around. "
I hope this means that she is taking it more seriously. She stayed longer at Promises than she needed, and she appeared to be focused on change after that. We all know the events that ended that period of being sober. Is Lindsay afraid to leave rehab. Sooner or later she is going to have to come out. Can she detach herself from the people that are going to push her back into drinking and drugs. Does she have the strength to cut her friends off, and start fresh? That is the real question and while I want her to be healthy, staying at rehab longer isn't going to answer that.
In Case You Didn’t Know » Jessica Simpson to have Ken Paves baby?
In Case You Didn’t Know » Jessica Simpson to have Ken Paves baby?:
Say what you want about this idea, I know it sounds crazy. Just think about the kid though, that kid is going to have the best looking mullet in the trailer park.
"Jessica Simpson is reporterdly planning to have a baby with her gay hairdresser
Ken Paves within the next six months!"
Say what you want about this idea, I know it sounds crazy. Just think about the kid though, that kid is going to have the best looking mullet in the trailer park.
Michelle's moving on.. | INF Daily
Michelle's moving on.. INF Daily:
Michelle is beautiful, she doesn't need to rush out and get involved with someone right away. She has herself and her daughter, when she is ready she will find a good man.
"While her estranged hubby Heath Ledger is whoring it around town with fading
supermodel Helena Christensen, Michelle Williams is holding her head up high and
looking after their toddler like a good parent."
Michelle is beautiful, she doesn't need to rush out and get involved with someone right away. She has herself and her daughter, when she is ready she will find a good man.
Ben Affleck's 'Gone Baby Gone' Shelved
Ben Affleck's 'Gone Baby Gone' Shelved:
The movie is being held back because of concerns of similarities between it and the on going investigation of Madeleine McCann. It is understandable that this isn't the best time to be putting out such a sad movie. Its sales would suffer also, because viewers would have to choose between a movie event and the real thing on the news. Most of them will choose the news.
"'Gone Baby Gone,' based on DENNIS LEHANE's book, takes place in Boston and
centers on a four-year-old who goes missing. It was set for a December 28
release in the U.K. "
The movie is being held back because of concerns of similarities between it and the on going investigation of Madeleine McCann. It is understandable that this isn't the best time to be putting out such a sad movie. Its sales would suffer also, because viewers would have to choose between a movie event and the real thing on the news. Most of them will choose the news.
Larry Birkhead bodyguard speaks | The Paparazzis
Larry Birkhead bodyguard speaks The Paparazzis:
What a scoundrel, working with the press to make sure that they got good pictures of him pretending to grieve for Nicole. Sad thing is that I don't think that Mr. Stern is much more of an honorable man.
"“Larry and I went to Nassau for over a week in January of this year. One day he
said he wanted to go to Daniel’s grave, ostensibly to pay tribute to him on his
birthday. But it turned out he had another idea. He said, ‘We’re going to meet
two guys from Splash [Photo Agency].’ “They had arranged to wait in some bushes
at the cemetery. They took pictures of Larry pretending to be sad and emotional
at the grave site. Only the Splash guys weren’t quite satisfied, so they asked
him to do it again, and for me to get out of the picture. We did three takes.
That was the first sign to me that Larry was in it for the money.”"
What a scoundrel, working with the press to make sure that they got good pictures of him pretending to grieve for Nicole. Sad thing is that I don't think that Mr. Stern is much more of an honorable man.
Kevin Federline Parties with Colin Farrell's Ex - Kevin Federline :
Kevin Federline Parties with Colin Farrell's Ex - Kevin Federline :
Sounds like a match made in heaven, well maybe not heaven.
"A day after meeting face-to-face with ex-wife Britney Spears over custody
issues, Federline was spotted at L.A. club Vice hanging out with Colin Farrell's
ex (and former sex-tape partner) Nicole Narain at Financially Hung's Black Card
Party. "
Sounds like a match made in heaven, well maybe not heaven.
Britney to Pay K-Fed $20,000/Month for
Britney to Pay K-Fed $20,000/Month for
The only reason I think that this makes sense is because of the kids. You know that this loser would be forced to work at McDonalds if he didn't get money from Spears. How fair would it be for the kids to have to live part time with a father who worked at McDonalds, after living in luxury.
"According to papers obtained by “The Insider” filed in Los Angeles Superior
Court today, Federline will continue to receive $20,000 a month from Britney —
“until death of either party, remarriage of [Federline] or further order of the
Court, whichever first occurs.”"
The only reason I think that this makes sense is because of the kids. You know that this loser would be forced to work at McDonalds if he didn't get money from Spears. How fair would it be for the kids to have to live part time with a father who worked at McDonalds, after living in luxury.
Is Angelina Jolie pregnant? | the Daily Mail
Is Angelina Jolie pregnant? the Daily Mail:
Here we go again with the rumors that she is with child again. News flash everyone, a womyns second child is much less likely to show, so she will probably be long into her pregnancy before it is visible.
"As Angelina Jolie enjoys an afternoon boat ride with children Zahara and Maddox
in Venice, these pictures reveal the actress could soon be expecting another
addition to the 'Brangelina' brood. "
Here we go again with the rumors that she is with child again. News flash everyone, a womyns second child is much less likely to show, so she will probably be long into her pregnancy before it is visible.
Buzz Foto LLC - Paparazzi Is An Art Form!
Denise Richards dirt. Kind of.
Denise Richards dirt. Kind of.:
Where is the story here, it doesn't sound like she is crazy to me. Sounds like she is a busy womyn, who has a lot to do, gets stressed out and changes her mind sometimes. It is easy for others to point at this and be critical, but we don't know everything she is going through. This sounds normal to me... well as normal as a stars life can be.
"She tells the Star, “In the morning, she’s sweet and friendly, but… by one
o’clock, she seems wired and confused. She changes plans from one minute to the
next. “She’d tell me, ‘(Daughter) Lola needs to sleep at this time,’ and then
changes her mind. She’d tell me to pick up the kids at school and then say, ‘I’m
going to go, I have the time.’” The claims come at a bad time for Richards, who
is fighting with her ex over custody of their two young daughters."
Where is the story here, it doesn't sound like she is crazy to me. Sounds like she is a busy womyn, who has a lot to do, gets stressed out and changes her mind sometimes. It is easy for others to point at this and be critical, but we don't know everything she is going through. This sounds normal to me... well as normal as a stars life can be.
Gabby Babble: Gabber Quote of the Day

Gabby Babble: Gabber Quote of the Day
Who do you think is going to win this battle? Would 50 really retire?
Who do you think is going to win this battle? Would 50 really retire?
Jennifer Love Hewitt uses sex toys | The Paparazzis

Jennifer Love Hewitt uses sex toys The Paparazzis
I don't know why, but this is just not the image I have had of Jennifer, this seems more like a Tara Reid a thing.
I don't know why, but this is just not the image I have had of Jennifer, this seems more like a Tara Reid a thing.
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