Saturday, August 25, 2007
Massachusetts Is Full Of Libs, Allows Gay Marriage - Has Lowest Divorce Rate In America
Massachusetts Is Full Of Libs, Allows Gay Marriage - Has Lowest Divorce Rate In America
My guess, and this is just a guess and maybe not a good one. In red states the pressure for marriage might be higher, if a couple who are dating or living together, maybe they are pushed into marriage before they are ready, or before they understand each other as people. In blue states where relationships are more free, and there are examples of people who have had solid relationships for years - without getting married, there is less pressure. It makes marriage a choice, something that you have time to think about, is it really something that you want to commit to with that person.
If blue states care less about moral values, why are divorce rates so low in the
bluest of the blue states? It’s a question that intrigues conservatives, as much
as it emboldens liberals.
My guess, and this is just a guess and maybe not a good one. In red states the pressure for marriage might be higher, if a couple who are dating or living together, maybe they are pushed into marriage before they are ready, or before they understand each other as people. In blue states where relationships are more free, and there are examples of people who have had solid relationships for years - without getting married, there is less pressure. It makes marriage a choice, something that you have time to think about, is it really something that you want to commit to with that person.
Nugent to Hillary and Obama - suck on Ted's gun
Nugent to Hillary and Obama - suck on Ted's gun
I am not posting the video because it is pointlessly vulgar. However I wanted to point out how these very same people attacking Ted and questioning his patriotism, would be calling him a hero if he had said the same about Bush.
This is a very sad, sorry man who claims to be a patriot, but it sounds more
like a cry for help. Ranting onstage about how Obama and Clinton should suck on
his weapon sounds like something Bob Allen might ask if he can do to a cop in a
park restroom...
I am not posting the video because it is pointlessly vulgar. However I wanted to point out how these very same people attacking Ted and questioning his patriotism, would be calling him a hero if he had said the same about Bush.
What a night!
What a night!
Sounds like the rumors of Fidel's death are at this point unfounded - being it is Cuba though, Fidel might live longer than Elvis.
Ok. So once again - this must be like the millionth time - we were duped into
the fidel castro is dead thing. But were we, really? Does anyone really think
he's still alive, all all of that hullaballooo?
Sounds like the rumors of Fidel's death are at this point unfounded - being it is Cuba though, Fidel might live longer than Elvis.
Lebanon's Assault on Fatah al Islam Resumes
Lebanon's Assault on Fatah al Islam Resumes
I think it is important to think about what a terrorist food hold inside Iraq would mean for the government of Lebanon in its fight against terror. What it would mean for Israel in its fight against Hizbullah. The region is at a tipping point, where it could go either way, and Iraq is a key part of this balance.
Lebanon's military has been fighting Fatah al Islam for nearly three months now
and has reduce large parts of Nahr al-Bared to rubble in heavy fighting.
Meanwhile, the Lebanese have requested that the UN peacekeeping forces
(UNIFIL) stay on for another year. UNIFIL could stay on indefinitely, but unless
UNIFIL and the Lebanese start disarming Hizbullah throughout the country, the
threat of war hangs over the country. Right now, UNIFIL's mandate only permits
them to deal with Hizbullah South of the Litani River, but Hizbullah has
regrouped and swarmed the area to the North, placing its forces inside civilian
areas - knowing that if they fire on Israel, the counterbattery fire will result
in Lebanese civilian casualties.
I think it is important to think about what a terrorist food hold inside Iraq would mean for the government of Lebanon in its fight against terror. What it would mean for Israel in its fight against Hizbullah. The region is at a tipping point, where it could go either way, and Iraq is a key part of this balance.
Florida Dems could lose say in 2008 race (AP)
Florida Dems could lose say in 2008 race (AP)
While I don't know if they can or actually would carry through with this threat, it is about time that someone did something to turn back what has become a pointless game of leap frog.
WASHINGTON - Florida Democrats would forfeit their votes in selecting a
presidential nominee unless they delay their state election by at least a week,
the national party said in a stern action Saturday meant to discourage others
from leapfrogging ahead to earlier dates.
The Florida party has 30 days to submit an alternative to its planned Jan. 29 primary or lose its 210 delegates to the nominating convention in Denver next summer
While I don't know if they can or actually would carry through with this threat, it is about time that someone did something to turn back what has become a pointless game of leap frog.
Thompson Says He Likes His Position - Washington Post
Thompson Says He Likes His Position - Washington Post
I still am not going to believe that he is in it, until I see him in it.
"We have done within a few months what other people have spent much longer
periods of time doing," Thompson told reporters before delivering a keynote
speech to the Midwest Republican Leadership Conference, which has drawn party
activists from 12 states.
Thompson has had a less-than-stellar summer that included a campaign staff
shake-up and fundraising that failed to meet expectations. But he has polled
well in national surveys despite his unofficial status.
I still am not going to believe that he is in it, until I see him in it.
Will This Weed Really ‘Save Humanity’?
Will This Weed Really ‘Save Humanity’?
Could this be the source of energy that we have been looking for. Bio fuels have a strong future, but the current crops that are used for bio fuel are not good for energy. A plant like this could dramatically change the application of bio fuels to energy policy.
With oil trading at roughly $70 a barrel, this lowly forest plant is suddenly an
unlikely star on the world’s alternative-energy stage. The seeds from jatropha’s
golf-ball-size fruit contain a yellowish liquid similar to palm oil that can be
made into biodiesel … But unlike other biodiesel crops, jatropha can be grown
almost anywhere — including deserts, trash dumps, and rock piles. It doesn’t
need much water or fertilizer, and it isn’t edible. That means environmentalists
and policy makers don’t have to worry about whether jatropha diverts resources
away from crops that could be used to feed people.
Could this be the source of energy that we have been looking for. Bio fuels have a strong future, but the current crops that are used for bio fuel are not good for energy. A plant like this could dramatically change the application of bio fuels to energy policy.
What the GOP will do with Bush next year
What the GOP will do with Bush next year
It is interesting how Democratic presidents have followed a pattern of being active after getting out of the White House, while Republican presidents have been absent from public life.
Earlier this week, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) was answering questions from the
Austin American-Statesman about a variety of issues, when the paper brought up
Cornyn’s upcoming re-election campaign. “Will you ask the president to appear
with you on the campaign trail?” the paper asked.
It is interesting how Democratic presidents have followed a pattern of being active after getting out of the White House, while Republican presidents have been absent from public life.
Activists, mayors protest U.S.-Mexico border wall (Reuters)
Activists, mayors protest U.S.-Mexico border wall (Reuters)
There is an old saying that locks only keep honest people honest. A wall is only going to make it harder for honest people to cross between the countries and divide the communities. It is a pointless waste of money.
EL PASO, Texas (Reuters) - The mayors of the Texan city of El Paso and the
Mexican city of Juarez led a protest by dozens of people on Saturday against a
planned border wall to stem illegal immigration into America.
There is an old saying that locks only keep honest people honest. A wall is only going to make it harder for honest people to cross between the countries and divide the communities. It is a pointless waste of money.
Evangelicals Go Green
Evangelicals Go Green
I think this is a good development because it breaks the hold that the right has had on Christians in this country. The hold of the right has been based on a few key ideas, being abortion, gay rights and religion in public life. There are a broad range of issues that Christians care about though, just like the rest of us. It is good to see that some at least are coming forward and saying that siding with the Republican party because of their stand on some issues is not worth it because of the stand the party has on other issues.
The exodus does not mean a boon for the Democratic party though. There are many of these Christians that still don't want to vote for pro-gay rights, pro-choice candidates from the Democratic party that they see as being secular driven. The worst case is that many of them will drop out of the political sphere all together, taking their votes home with them where they do no one any good. In 2000 the left was saying that they didn't feel there was a difference between the parties - this cycle it is the right that is making the same noises.
Rhodes, who considers himself part of the emerging church, said he and his peers
are rejecting an individualistic "Marlboro Man spirituality" in favor of a more
inclusive faith. "Whereas maybe the fundamentalist in 1980 said, 'We can't do
social programs for the poor&that sounds like communism,' this generation is
like, 'So what?' If it's the right thing to do, we have to do it," he said.
"It's politically ambidextrous." This newfound communal faith doesn't just include people, but the environment as well. "The first time I broke ranks with the right it
was about the environment," Rhodes said. "What good was it to the unborn if my
Republican votes saved them from the abortion clinics, only to deliver them into
a resource-scraped world of want, devoid of wild places?"
I think this is a good development because it breaks the hold that the right has had on Christians in this country. The hold of the right has been based on a few key ideas, being abortion, gay rights and religion in public life. There are a broad range of issues that Christians care about though, just like the rest of us. It is good to see that some at least are coming forward and saying that siding with the Republican party because of their stand on some issues is not worth it because of the stand the party has on other issues.
The exodus does not mean a boon for the Democratic party though. There are many of these Christians that still don't want to vote for pro-gay rights, pro-choice candidates from the Democratic party that they see as being secular driven. The worst case is that many of them will drop out of the political sphere all together, taking their votes home with them where they do no one any good. In 2000 the left was saying that they didn't feel there was a difference between the parties - this cycle it is the right that is making the same noises.
Our troops have earned more time”
“Our troops have earned more time”
Hope he is friends with Joe Lieberman, because no doubt he is going to get attacked by the netroots for taking this stand and he will need a friend. What he has said here is strong and good logic, it is the same idea that I have been trying to put out there. The war was a mistake, we just marched into the country with little understanding of the country or what we would face. That does not mean that we can march right out.
Let me take you back in time, to another country we invested in. It was a country at war with an enemy, and we invested a large amount of arms and money to help this country defeat this shared enemy. When the enemy was defeated we left, without looking back or thinking about the fate of that country. The country fell into chaos and out of the spotlight. Through a civil war and extreme repression it got little notice on the world stage. In fact, it wasn't until an operative that had been a part of the first war, bombed an American city on 9/11 with airplanes that people noticed Afghanistan again.
The invasion of Iraq may be one of the worst foreign-policy mistakes in the history of our nation. As tragic and costly as that mistake has been, a precipitous or premature withdrawal of our forces now has the potential to turn the initial errors into an even greater problem just as success looks possible.
As a Democrat who voted against the war from the outset and who has been frankly critical of the administration and the post-invasion strategy, I am convinced by the evidence that the situation has at long last begun to change substantially for the better. I believe Iraq could have a positive future. Our diplomatic and military leaders in Iraq, their current strategy, and most importantly, our troops and the Iraqi people themselves, deserve our continued support and more time to succeed.
I understand the desire of many of our citizens and my colleagues in Congress to bring the troops home as soon as possible. The costs have been horrific for our soldiers, their families, the Iraqi people and the economy. If we keep our troops on the ground we will lose more lives, continue to spend billions each week, and, given the history and complex interests of the region, there is no certainty that our efforts will succeed in the long run. We must be absolutely honest about these costs and risks and I am both profoundly saddened and angry that we are where we are.
Knowing all this, how can someone who opposed the war now call for continuing the new directions that have been taken in Iraq? The answer is that the people, strategies and facts on the ground have changed for the better and those changes justify changing our position on what should be done.
Hope he is friends with Joe Lieberman, because no doubt he is going to get attacked by the netroots for taking this stand and he will need a friend. What he has said here is strong and good logic, it is the same idea that I have been trying to put out there. The war was a mistake, we just marched into the country with little understanding of the country or what we would face. That does not mean that we can march right out.
Let me take you back in time, to another country we invested in. It was a country at war with an enemy, and we invested a large amount of arms and money to help this country defeat this shared enemy. When the enemy was defeated we left, without looking back or thinking about the fate of that country. The country fell into chaos and out of the spotlight. Through a civil war and extreme repression it got little notice on the world stage. In fact, it wasn't until an operative that had been a part of the first war, bombed an American city on 9/11 with airplanes that people noticed Afghanistan again.
CLIPS: Limbaugh claims Dems' interest in Darfur is securing black "voting bloc"
CLIPS: Limbaugh claims Dems' interest in Darfur is securing black "voting bloc"
This is a crazy idea. You can count on Rush to take a complex bipartisan issue and turn it into a simplistic attack by the left.
Summary: On his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that
Democrats "want to get us out of Iraq, but they can't wait to get us into
Darfur." He continued: "There are two reasons. What color is the skin of the
people in Darfur? It's black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep
voting for them? If they lose a significant percentage of this voting bloc,
they're in trouble." A caller responded, "The black population," to which
Limbaugh said, "Right."
This is a crazy idea. You can count on Rush to take a complex bipartisan issue and turn it into a simplistic attack by the left.
Coulter: "[I]f you attack the Clintons publicly, make sure all your friends know that you are not planning suicide"
On the August 23 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter asserted: "[I]f you attack the Clintons publicly, make sure all your friends know that you are not planning suicide, that you're not careless when you drive a car." Coulter was apparently referring to conservative allegations that the Clintons were somehow involved in the death of Clinton deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster. As Media Matters for America has repeatedly documented (here, here, and here), numerous investigations have determined that Foster's death was a suicide. The Office of the Independent Counsel -- then headed by Republican Kenneth Starr -- completed its inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Foster's death with a report issued on October 11, 1997, which concluded that "based on investigation and analysis of the evidential record ... Mr. Foster committed suicide by gunshot in Fort Marcy Park."
I know this isn't a joke, but I think it is funny.
Hugh Hewitt: More Double Talk From Senator John Warner
Hugh Hewitt: More Double Talk From Senator John Warner
This pointless political theater, the Iraqis know that we are not going to be there forever. In fact the problems don't come from the people who think we will be there forever, but from those who think that we will leave before we are done. Taking out 5,000 men would have little to no impact on the situation on the ground, and wouldn't really send a message to the Iraqis at all, except that the American government is willing to make pointless gestures in an effort to send messages to people who already get it.
I think no clearer form of that than if the President were to announce on the
15th, that in consultation with our senior military commanders, he's decided to
initiate the first step in a withdrawal of our forces. I say to the President
respectfully, pick whatever number you wish. You do not want to lose the
momentum, but certainly in the 160,000 plus, 5,000 could begin to redeploy and
be home to their families and loved ones by no later than Christmas of this
This pointless political theater, the Iraqis know that we are not going to be there forever. In fact the problems don't come from the people who think we will be there forever, but from those who think that we will leave before we are done. Taking out 5,000 men would have little to no impact on the situation on the ground, and wouldn't really send a message to the Iraqis at all, except that the American government is willing to make pointless gestures in an effort to send messages to people who already get it.
1 Down, 11,999,999 to Go
1 Down, 11,999,999 to Go
Sounds like someone is getting Bush Derangement Syndrome, it is sad when it strikes poor souls, who is it this time. You would never guess, but it is the blond bomb shell of conservative talk herself, Ann Coulter. This is an interesting thought though, why did they target this womyn after all this time. Click on the link to read more of the article. It goes on to talk about the killers and the child molesters that have not been deported. Once a crime has been committed by someone known to be illegal, they should be removed from the country immediately - put them in Gitmo if you have to.
Mickey Kaus has raised the intriguing possibility that, since Bush's amnesty
plan went down to humiliating defeat once Americans got wind of what the elites
had planned for us, the Bush administration might respond by intentionally
targeting highly sympathetic illegal aliens for deportation "in as clumsy,
heartless and lawsuit-inspiring a fashion as possible, in order to create the
maximum number of negative headlines."
Sounds like someone is getting Bush Derangement Syndrome, it is sad when it strikes poor souls, who is it this time. You would never guess, but it is the blond bomb shell of conservative talk herself, Ann Coulter. This is an interesting thought though, why did they target this womyn after all this time. Click on the link to read more of the article. It goes on to talk about the killers and the child molesters that have not been deported. Once a crime has been committed by someone known to be illegal, they should be removed from the country immediately - put them in Gitmo if you have to.
Avril Lavigne Is Trying To Look Girlie?
Avril Lavigne Is Trying To Look Girlie?
I think she is hotter when she is not trying to look girlie, the high heels and the sweat shirt look is just strange.
Avril Lavigne almost never wears high heels. So, I think that I am more
surprised by the high heels than by the bad combination of the high heels, pants
and the hooded shirt.
I think she is hotter when she is not trying to look girlie, the high heels and the sweat shirt look is just strange.
George Clooney and Cameron Diaz?
George Clooney and Cameron Diaz?
Didn't that headline scare you, made you think that they were dating didn't it. Could there be any worse of a match, well I guess David Gest and Liza Minnelli were close.
George Clooney and Cameron Diaz reportedly topped the list of L.A.'s hottest
singles on It's not a surprise that George Clooney would top the
list, but why Cameron Diaz
Didn't that headline scare you, made you think that they were dating didn't it. Could there be any worse of a match, well I guess David Gest and Liza Minnelli were close.
Nicole "pleasantly surprised" by quick release
Nicole "pleasantly surprised" by quick release
Surprised at how soon Nicole got out of jail, well you are not alone, it appears that Nicole was also surprised at how fast she was released. The young star was released due to chronic over crowding in the jail system.
Nicole Richie was "pleasantly surprised" to be released after serving only
82 minutes of her four-day jail sentence for a second DUI conviction, her lawyer
said yesterday. "Nicole was aware that most people with sentences similar to
hers are booked and released in a matter of hours and she was hoping to be
treated like everyone else," said her attorney. "Nevertheless, she was prepared
to serve her entire four-day sentence had the Sheriff's Department required her
to do so."
Surprised at how soon Nicole got out of jail, well you are not alone, it appears that Nicole was also surprised at how fast she was released. The young star was released due to chronic over crowding in the jail system.
Amy Winehouse Declines Rehab
Amy Winehouse Declines Rehab
She continues to say "no, no, no" to rehab. This time she says that if she went to rehab that her husband will kill himself. The problem of course is that if she doesn't go to rehab, she just might kill herself. You have to make choices that are the best for your health and allow others to make choices for themselves.
Amy Winehouse reportedly told her family she couldn’t enter rehab again because her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, threatened suicide if she does. Although Amy acknowledged she needs professional help for her heroin addiction, the singer told her parents she can’t leave Blake on his own, because he vowed to harm himself if she did. This comes on the heels of a bloody fight the pair had early Thursday morning.
She continues to say "no, no, no" to rehab. This time she says that if she went to rehab that her husband will kill himself. The problem of course is that if she doesn't go to rehab, she just might kill herself. You have to make choices that are the best for your health and allow others to make choices for themselves.
Victoria Beckham Looks Forward to More Kiddos
Victoria Beckham Looks Forward to More Kiddos
Ever since I watched her reality show about her coming to America, I like Victoria. She wants a daughter, how fun would that be, a little girl for her to dress up. Victoria has great fashion sense so she would dress her little girl in the best clothes.
“We’d like to have another - maybe next year,” says Victoria, 33. “He or
she might be lucky enough to have dual nationality.”
Ever since I watched her reality show about her coming to America, I like Victoria. She wants a daughter, how fun would that be, a little girl for her to dress up. Victoria has great fashion sense so she would dress her little girl in the best clothes.
Dina Lohan is Paranoid
Dina Lohan is Paranoid
What something sad like you continue to not get help for your problem. Something sad like your 13-year-old daughter is dating a 16-year-old. Something sad like what Dina, like you would run out of shocking things to say to get attention.
”It’s really sad. Something bad is going to happen, I’m afraid.”
What something sad like you continue to not get help for your problem. Something sad like your 13-year-old daughter is dating a 16-year-old. Something sad like what Dina, like you would run out of shocking things to say to get attention.
Britney Spears: Criminal
Britney Spears: Criminal
This really isn't a big deal, of course she blamed it on the photographers that were following her - yeah they were that's why there is pictures.
The Los Angeles Highway Patrol pulled over Britney Spears and her gaggle of
gays while they were on their way to Las Vegas last night. Sadly, it wasn’t for
DUI: homegirl was apparently in a wicked hurry to get to Vegas (oh Criss Angel,
you chick magnet)
This really isn't a big deal, of course she blamed it on the photographers that were following her - yeah they were that's why there is pictures.
Harvey Weinstein Says He Would Hire Lindsay Lohan
Harvey Weinstein Says He Would Hire Lindsay Lohan
When you have a big name like this supporting you, there is little reason to be concerned for your career. He thinks Lindsay is great, and that her problems are just part of being young. If she cleans up, and takes it seriously - there is no reason that she cannot make a good come back.
Would he hire Lohan once she leaves rehab? “Of course. She’s a wonderful
actress,” he tells ET. “She did a great job in Bobby.” He added: “Lindsay is a
wonderful talent.”
The uber-producer also believes that many of Lohan’s mistakes can be chalked up to youth. “You know, we keep forgetting they’re kids. They’re making mistakes. Hopefully, they’ll clean it up and somebody will kick their butts.”
When you have a big name like this supporting you, there is little reason to be concerned for your career. He thinks Lindsay is great, and that her problems are just part of being young. If she cleans up, and takes it seriously - there is no reason that she cannot make a good come back.
Hayden Panettiere Next Actress To Sign Record Deal
Hayden Panettiere Next Actress To Sign Record Deal
Like Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff before her, Hayden Panettiere thinks she can
carry her television fame to the music industry. And apparently a record label
Does this hot young actress have a hot voice as well? She has done some music in the past, and from what I have heard her voice isn't excellent, but it is good.
Director John Singleton Involved in Fatal Car Accident
Director John Singleton Involved in Fatal Car Accident
Sounds like he did everything that he was supposed to do, he stopped and waited for the police to arrive. The police found that he was not drunk or otherwise incapacitate. Someones mother didn't teach them to look both ways before crossing the road.
The Oscar-nominated director behind Boyz in the Hood and 2 Fast 2 Furious was
driving a Lexus SUV when he struck and killed a jaywalker in Los Angeles. A
57-year-old woman stepped in front of his car in his Jefferson Park
neighborhood. She was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead.
Sounds like he did everything that he was supposed to do, he stopped and waited for the police to arrive. The police found that he was not drunk or otherwise incapacitate. Someones mother didn't teach them to look both ways before crossing the road.
Sasha Cohen, Because She’s Adorable
Socialite Shuffle - Heiress Casey Johnson's New 'Journey'
Socialite Shuffle - Heiress Casey Johnson's New 'Journey'
Since an ugly person needs makeup more, they are probably the ones who know more about it than a pretty person. For example I wouldn't ask Lindsay Lohan about makeup, but I would ask Cameron Diaz.
WAR PAINT JohnsonWould trainwreck socialite Casey Johnson's look inspire you to
drop bank on some blush and mascara? The shiny, overly tanned baby-oil heiress
regularly gets slammed in the press for looking a little "off," but that isn't
stopping her from getting on the beauty bandwagon. Her friend Lady Victoria
Hervey, a British ex-pat currently trying to take on Hollywood, has let it slip
that she and Casey are in the throes of developing a makeup brand they've named
Since an ugly person needs makeup more, they are probably the ones who know more about it than a pretty person. For example I wouldn't ask Lindsay Lohan about makeup, but I would ask Cameron Diaz.
10. Mariah Teeters Onto TRL
9. Brad – Jen + Angie = Brangelina
8. Britney’s Bizarre Buzz Cut (Readers’ Choice)
7. Dixie Chicks Dis Bush – Country Goes Crazy
6. Woody Allen Marries Soon-Yi
5. Michael Jackson Dangles Baby
4. Hugh Grant’s Divine Drive-By
3. Sinead Rips Into Pope
2. Mel Melt Down
1. Nipplegate
10. Mariah Teeters Onto TRL
9. Brad – Jen + Angie = Brangelina
8. Britney’s Bizarre Buzz Cut (Readers’ Choice)
7. Dixie Chicks Dis Bush – Country Goes Crazy
6. Woody Allen Marries Soon-Yi
5. Michael Jackson Dangles Baby
4. Hugh Grant’s Divine Drive-By
3. Sinead Rips Into Pope
2. Mel Melt Down
1. Nipplegate
Lawyer: Hole finds no sign of miners (AP)
Lawyer: Hole finds no sign of miners (AP)
Sad reality is that they are dead - even if they did not die in the original accident there is little hope that they could have survived as long as they have been missing.
HUNTINGTON, Utah - The latest holed drilled into a collapsed mine where six men
are trapped broke through an area too small for the men to survive, a lawyer for
several of the men's families said Saturday.
"The only thing they told us is there is no void where the sixth hole is; there is no space," attorney Colin King said after a meeting between the families and mine officials.
Sad reality is that they are dead - even if they did not die in the original accident there is little hope that they could have survived as long as they have been missing.
Bird Flu in Chickens, Ducks Spread to Two More Vietnam Provinces - Voice of America
Bird Flu in Chickens, Ducks Spread to Two More Vietnam Provinces - Voice of America
Sounds like it is going to be another season of bird flu stories going around. Makes you mistrustful of the fowl that you see in the park doesn't it. You give them the eye as you walk by, "do you have the bird flu?"
Authorities in Vietnam confirmed Saturday that bird flu has spread to two more
provinces in the country.
That brings the total to four of Vietnam's 64 provinces where the H5N1 virus has been found in recent outbreaks.
Sounds like it is going to be another season of bird flu stories going around. Makes you mistrustful of the fowl that you see in the park doesn't it. You give them the eye as you walk by, "do you have the bird flu?"
National forests face trash woes
National forests face trash woes
I remember when I lived in Yosemite watching people feed the animals, sometimes I would tell them to stop. However most of the time they would either give you a look that said, "what are you going to do about it", or a look that I had done something wrong by pointing out that they were killing the animals by feeding them.
TONTO NATIONAL FOREST, Ariz. - Near a rock formation twisting into the Arizona sky, the desert floor has been torn up by off-road vehicles. A tattered VCR and a bullet-riddled washing machine further scar the landscape.
Tonto is one of many national forests that suffer environmental damage caused by thoughtless, even unscrupulous, visitors.
I remember when I lived in Yosemite watching people feed the animals, sometimes I would tell them to stop. However most of the time they would either give you a look that said, "what are you going to do about it", or a look that I had done something wrong by pointing out that they were killing the animals by feeding them.
Looking for a job? Go West
Looking for a job? Go West
Right now I am thinking about moving to Montana and working at McDonalds. Why not, I love Montana and if there is work there - I can't find any work here. Sure it will probably pass because I have other concerns - like school.
HELENA, Mont. - The owner of a fast food joint in Montana’s booming oil patch
found himself outsourcing the drive-thru window to a Texas telemarketing firm,
not because it’s cheaper but because he can’t find workers.
Right now I am thinking about moving to Montana and working at McDonalds. Why not, I love Montana and if there is work there - I can't find any work here. Sure it will probably pass because I have other concerns - like school.
New England fights for its stone walls
New England fights for its stone walls
Are stone walls really that important, while they are old, I don't think that age in itself is always a reason to save something. You don't save old food just because it is old. If the land owners want to save it, they should have that right, but if they want to sell it - then they should have that right as well. If it were my land I would want to save the walls, but that is just me.
STORRS, Conn. — By and large, New England's iconic stone walls have withstood
generations of wandering wildlife, howling blizzards and even the occasional
Now the rustic walls face new dangers — a growing number of
blatant stone-by-stone thefts, and the legal practice of dismantling the walls
to use the stone for patios, walkways and other landscaping projects.
Connecticut's tony suburbs to Maine's rural back country, the threat to New
England's low-slung stone walls has forged new alliances between historians,
government officials, geologists and conservationists. Their goal is to curb the
thefts with stepped-up enforcement and tighter regulations, while encouraging
landowners to preserve the walls rather than succumbing to the lure of selling
the stone for easy money.
"The walls are no less an antique than a piece of Chippendale furniture, but you wouldn't take a Chippendale apart for the wood," said Robert Thorson, a geology professor at the University of Connecticut and author of Stone by Stone: The Magnificent History in New England's Stone Walls.
Increased thefts and sales prompted the Connecticut Trust for Historic
Preservation to name the walls among the state's most endangered historic
properties in 2002. This year, it nominated the walls to the National Trust for
Historic Preservation's list.
Are stone walls really that important, while they are old, I don't think that age in itself is always a reason to save something. You don't save old food just because it is old. If the land owners want to save it, they should have that right, but if they want to sell it - then they should have that right as well. If it were my land I would want to save the walls, but that is just me.
Prosthesis offers hope for tailless dolphin
Prosthesis offers hope for tailless dolphin
This is such a sweet story, but now I am hungry for a tuna sandwich.
CLEARWATER, Fla. — Prosthetic specialist Kevin Carroll travels the country
tackling the toughest human amputation cases, so it was only natural that he was
also drawn to Winter — the only known dolphin to survive the loss of her
powerful tail flukes.
"My heart went out to her, and I was thinking I could probably put a tail on her," said Carroll, vice president of prosthetics at Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc.
This is such a sweet story, but now I am hungry for a tuna sandwich.
Greeks proclaim emergency as fires rage
Greeks proclaim emergency as fires rage
This is in the south of the country where the historical cities of Sparta and Corinth are. These cities don't appear to be in danger though.
ZAHARO, Greece (AP) — The prime minister declared a nationwide state of
emergency Saturday as massive forest fires swept across Greece, killing at least
46 people and injuring dozens more in the worst wildfires the country has seen
in decades.
More than 170 fires have devastated vast areas of the country
since Friday, with the most severe in the Peloponnese to the south, and Prime
Minister Costas Karamanlis said arson was suspected in some.
This is in the south of the country where the historical cities of Sparta and Corinth are. These cities don't appear to be in danger though.
Pro-Russian Abkhazia says Georgian plane crashed (Reuters)
Pro-Russian Abkhazia says Georgian plane crashed (Reuters)
This is part of an on going struggle between Russia and the country of Georgia located in the Caucus mountains. Georgia has angered Russia by making moves to align closer with the west and the US and away from its historical ally - occupier, Russia.
TBILISI (Reuters) - A pro-Russian breakaway region in Georgia said on Saturday
it believed a Georgian plane crashed over its territory this week and dismissed
Georgia's accusation that a Russian aircraft had violated its airspace.
Georgia has said it fired at a Russian airplane on Wednesday and might have
downed it, intensifying a row between Georgia and its imperial master, Russia.
On Saturday Georgia said it had only fired a warning shot.
This is part of an on going struggle between Russia and the country of Georgia located in the Caucus mountains. Georgia has angered Russia by making moves to align closer with the west and the US and away from its historical ally - occupier, Russia.
Man resorts to surgery to adopt child (AP)
Man resorts to surgery to adopt child (AP)
In this end this is something that is going to benefit him as well, as it may help him get the child back. It seems that there is no confirmation yet that the operation will assure the childs return.
DALLAS - A man who weighed 558 pounds when a Missouri judge prevented him from adopting a child he and his wife had taken into their home underwent gastric
bypass surgery Friday in a bid to win the child back.
Gary Stocklaufer, a
34-year-old truck driver, and his wife claim a judge unfairly discriminated
against them because of his weight in deciding to give 4-month-old Max to
another couple for possible adoption. The infant from Arlington, who is related
to the Stocklaufers, had lived with them since he was a week old.
In this end this is something that is going to benefit him as well, as it may help him get the child back. It seems that there is no confirmation yet that the operation will assure the childs return.
Woman Charged With Buying Prostitute Sex for Boy, 12
Woman Charged With Buying Prostitute Sex for Boy, 12
How could anyone think this was ok? A 12-year-old boy?
DONORA, Pa. — A woman was accused of taking a 12-year-old boy to two houses of
prostitution and paying for him to have sex there.
Linda Van Pool, 36, of Donora, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child, corruption of minors and other crimes.
How could anyone think this was ok? A 12-year-old boy?
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