Thursday, January 31, 2013

Increase Blog Engagement: 3 Universal Criteria You Must Satisfy:

Increase Blog Engagement: 3 Universal Criteria You Must Satisfy:

Some good tips on blogging. I've got a number of blogs and these tips are of more use to some of them than others. However, I do feel for the most part I keep a focus on what they author advises. How often I am successful is another story all together.

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to { Unplug } from a Plugged-In World

How to { Unplug } from a Plugged-In World:

I think we all have times when the connectivity of the world we live in is too much. But how do we ever stop it? How can we take a step back and breathe. Sometimes I don't know how. Well, the link about has some great ideas for me and you.

'via Blog this'

Monday, January 28, 2013


Dante Rose Pleiades's Facebook profile