Monday, May 14, 2007

Do You Agree With Bruce Willis?

Do You Agree With Bruce Willis?:

"I don’t think my opinion means jack s**t, because I’m an actor. “Why do actors
think their opinions mean more because you act? You just caught a break as an
actor. There are hundreds - thousands - of actors who are just as good as I am,
and probably better. “Have you heard anything useful come out of an actor’s
mouth lately?” He adds, “Although I liked George Clooney’s documentary on

I think it has to do with who the celebrity is and how they sell it. If they sell it like they sell a fur coat, walk onto a set, take some photos and walk away with little attachment or if it's a real commitment. If it is not something that they really feel I think that it does little if any good. On the other hand people who are making real changes in the world, taking some real steps for change like Angelina Jolie, can bring the cash and the attention that many causes need.

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