Thursday, August 30, 2007

Larry Birkhead Denies OK! Magazine Accusations

A Socialite's Life: Larry Birkhead Denies OK! Magazine Accusations

"So, apparently, OK! Magazine is all in a tiff with Larry Birkhead,
canceling a$1.7 million deal for a photo spread, alleging that the father of
Anna NicoleSmith's daughter misled the magazine. OK!'s decision to pull the plug
on thisdeal that would have put the publication in the position of obtaining
exclusiverights to pix of Larry and Dannielynn has come amongst claims by the
magazinethat Birkhead and Howard K. Stern were somehow operating in cahoots with oneanother."

How much money can a person milk out of their children before it just gets absurdly gross to look at. What's that about Dina and Michael Lohan? Oh, so I guess OK Mag and Larry are having disagreements about the deal that Larry cut with OK mag for coverage and Danielynn's first birthday party. The magazine sites allegations regarding Larry and Howard K. Stern. Other sources are claiming that OK mag is just upset about the cover shot that was recently done for Us Weekly.

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