Friday, August 24, 2007

SIMI-LEBRITIES: Welcome 2 Kid Nation

SIMI-LEBRITIES: Welcome 2 Kid Nation

The new fall tv season is right around the corner. And no other show, save the
new season of The Office, has whetted our pop culture appetites like the awkward
pre-pube train wreck that is CBS' Kid Nation: "The Show That Let's KIDS Abuse
THEMSELVES!" Kid Nation rounded up a solid group of small children -- most of
whom seem to come from intelligent, upper middle class homes -- and threw them
into a southwest shantytown to fen for themselves. And if you think that this is
some sort of fakey movie-set where the kids are secretly coddled, think again:
The parents of these poor kids signed a waiver removing CBS from any sort of
responsibility of one of the kids happens to DIE. Where are the pro-lifers when
you really need them, people??? And the parents only got $5,000!

I have posted about this show and how much of a bad idea I thought it was before. Soon enough we are all going to be able to judge the show ourselves. Well except for me since I don't get TV - it will probably be on the internet somewhere.

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