White House Adapts to New Playbook in Health Care Debate - NYTimes.com
Why Do Conservatives Love Appearing on The Daily Show? - Jon Stewart - Gawker
Ever wonder how The Daily Show books so many guests of the conservative persuasion? Apparently it has something to do with the fact that Jon Stewart is one of the few hosts on television who's considered fair and intellectually curious.
Nancy Grace's Novel Sounds Compelling and Very Original - Nancy Grace - Gawker
Famous prosecutor and TV commentator with absolutely no respect whatsoever for the fundamental principles of Western Criminal Justice Nancy Grace wrote a novel! It's about a hard-charging no-nonsense prosecutor....
Death toll up to 8 in California police chase - CNN.com
Question riles Clinton; translation might have been off - CNN.com
The question may have been lost in translation, but a visibly angry Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bluntly told a town-hall meeting in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday, "I will you tell you my opinion, I'm not going to channel my husband.
Banks Getting Back in the Black With Ridiculous Overdraft Fees - Banks - Gawker
You gotta love banks. They bring the American economy to its knees peddling crap mortgages, only to be bailed-out en masse by the taxpayers, and now they're making a killing by charging customers ridiculous overdraft fees. Yeah.
Sarah Palin's marriage has been in trouble from the beginning, says Levi Johnston, the father of their grandson Tripp and ex-fiance of daughter Bristol. What's more Levi told
Olbermann's Special Comment on Town Hall Scare Tactics - mediabistro.com: TVNewser
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Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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