Monday, April 16, 2007

The Spin Zone

Everyone has been asking the question, is America ready for a black president, or is America ready for a womyn president. Let me tell you what I think.

I think that America is not ready for a black president and never will be. What America is ready for is a president that is black. However talking about a black president and a president who is black are different terms. America needs a president that is president for all Americans, and not a president for black issues. I think the reason that both Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have not had more success is that they are seen less as leaders and more as black leaders. Barack Obama has shown so far in this race that he can address the needs of the whole nation, and lead the nation, this isn't an attack on Obama. What this is an attack on are those who would promote Obama as a black man for president, or those that would use the issue of his race to scare voters.
This goes for womyn as well, American is not ready for a womyn president, and never will be. America is ready for a president that is a womyn though. When one is a leader, I don't think that one can respond to the world by responding as a womyn, or a man, or any label. While one cannot take these parts of oneself and leave them some where, we can think beyond ourselves to the country as a whole. Being a womyn, or black is part of who one is, and it informs the choices one might make, but at the end of the day one must act as humyn and nothing else.
I know that you are going to say that for the last 200 years men have ruled this country as men, and you have a point. I would counter with the fact that there have been great moments in our history, and in those moments men led as humyn. It is in the weakest moments of our history that you can see how men have lead as men. Regardless, changing from a country that is lead be men as men to a country led by womyn as womyn is only changing the sheets.

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