Friday, May 25, 2007

News about me.

Well, I did it. I got it so that from now on I can keep track of how many posts I put up that are political and how many are gossip and I can keep them balanced. I just want this blog to be about both. I like to think that I have readers who have room enough in their mind for entertaining news, and important news. I would like to point out that you can always use the tags to focus on one subject or the other though.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog. It really means a lot to me. Over the weekend my father is going to be in town, so I will be blogging less a couple days. Saturday is my birthday and I am planning on taking the day off. Also on Monday I am not going to be posting anything. I think that the best way to honor the troops is to refrain from political fights for one day. I just thank them for their actions, and in the climate in which we operate if I post anything political it could be read as a misuse of the day. I also don't think that gossip on a day of such importance is good.

Also, I got to my goal and I want to take a little rest.

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