Saturday, May 12, 2007

Today Giuliani is for civil unions, two weeks ago he opposed them, but three weeks ago he was for them - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth

Today Giuliani is for civil unions, two weeks ago he opposed them, but three weeks ago he was for them - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:

"It's all so confusing. Just two weeks ago, Rudy came out opposed to civil
unions, even though he was previously for civil unions. Now today Rudy is again
for civil unions. While it's nice that Rudy is finally telling the truth about
his being a liberal, it's still disturbing that he's flip-flopped twice in the
past two weeks on this issue. He did the same thing on abortion (the media has
been paying attention to the abortion flip-flop, but missed the gay one). So
which Rudy is which, why did he flip flop (twice), and how do we know he won't
flip flop again when it's next convenient? I mean, the man lied to the American
people during the presidential debate, got caught, and now is changing his
position again as a result. Lying is kind of a big deal."

I think that if Giuliani could talk to the conservatives in a language that liberals didn't understand he would tell them that he was pro-life and anti-gay rights. Suppose the magic mayor then went to the liberals the next night, and he could talk to them in a language that conservatives wouldn't understand, he would be pro-choice and support gay rights. The one thing that I mistrust about Giuliani more than anything is this, that he has no morals about his political goals.

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