Friday, June 8, 2007

Captain's Quarters

Captain's Quarters: Turkish Incursion Into Iraq

"Several thousand Turkish troops crossed into northern Iraq early Wednesday to
chase Kurdish guerrillas who operate from bases there, Turkish security
officials told The Associated Press. "

This could turn into really bad news, for all the countries involved. Turkey stands to lose be getting into a deeper conflict with the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey, the Kurds are seeking more freedom. Inside Iraq, this could unsettle the balance of power between the Kurds, Shia's and Sunni's. While the Kurds are mostly in Iraq and Turkey, there is group of them inside Iran, which means that if unrest starts to spread across the region it could cause problems inside Iran as well.

If Iran starts to get drawn into a conflict with the Kurds inside its own country it could strengthen the ties it has with the Shia inside Iraq. That would increase the balance of power in their favor over the Sunni's which could draw Saudi Arabia into the mix.

Wikipedia has this to say about the Kurds. "The Kurds are an ethnic group who consider themselves to be indigenous to a region often referred to as Kurdistan, an area which includes adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Kurdish communities can also be found in Lebanon, Armenia, Azerbaijan".

How long will the chaos that was unleashed by this war echo across the region?

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