Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Crooks and Liars » ‘Fixing’ FISA

Crooks and Liars » ‘Fixing’ FISA:

"Under pressure from President Bush, Democratic leaders in Congress are
scrambling to pass legislation this week to expand the government’s electronic
wiretapping powers. Democratic leaders have expressed a new willingness to
work with the White House to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to
make it easier for the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on some purely
foreign telephone calls and e-mail. Such a step now requires court approval."

Republicans are claiming that this needs to be passed as soon as possible because of the danger that our country is in. However, I think that this issue is so important that it is something that needs more time. On an issue like this there are a lot of concerns about, privacy and how this bill can be changed in a way that offers us a way of protecting the country and protecting Americans rights. Finding the balance is not going to be easy, and it should not be rushed.

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