Friday, August 31, 2007

Crooks and Liars » FOXNews Attacks Single Mom Katie Couric For Going To Iraq

Crooks and Liars » FOXNews Attacks Single Mom Katie Couric For Going To Iraq:

"As ThinkProgress reported today, Fox News attacked CBS rival and single mother
Katie Couric for her upcoming trip to Iraq. But while Neil Cavuto, John Gibson
and the gang at Fox grew hysterical about Couric, they remained silent about 26
year old Michelle Ring and other single mothers fighting for the United States
in Iraq. The issue for Fox, of course, is that anyone else’s coverage of Iraq
inevitably brings the facts of Bush’s Baghdad fiasco directly to American
television screens. But in a new low even for Fox, Couric (whose husband passed
away from colon cancer in 1998) was accused of placing her children at risk all
in the name of ratings."

Are these people insane, how do they expect anyone is going to think they are not a joke.

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