Thursday, August 16, 2007

Gates of Vienna: September Nonsense

Gates of Vienna: September Nonsense:

"Black Diamond Pictures is about to screen a new movie about the insane but
charismatic founder of a religious cult whose followers are inspired to commit
mass slaughter against innocent civilians. “Wot th’-!?” you say. “So Hollywood
finally gets it about Islamic terrorism, eh?” Well, not quite. These particular
murderous religious fanatics are Mormons, the followers of Joseph Smith, and the
year is 1857. The film in question is called September Dawn, and is coming on
August 24th to a theater near you."

While this movie isn't about the threat of Islam, that doesn't mean it doesn't address the issue of terror and Islam. The key to this movie, is about the crimes that can and do take place in the name of religion. Like Islam, or Christianity or even Mormonism. When religious power and political power are held to closely, in the same hands, abuse of this power has lead to deadly results. Yes in September, in New York City, but also in Utah in 1857.

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