Tuesday, August 7, 2007

List Of Bridge Suspects Expands To Pigeons -- And Minnesotans

Captain's Quarters: List Of Bridge Suspects Expands To Pigeons -- And Minnesotans

"State traffic engineers would close lanes on the bridge for the inspections,
and most of the time the lane closures were from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The snooper
arms could operate from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. That put inspectors under continual
pressure to finish work before the evening rush hour, said one of three experts.
When the lanes were closed, it was not uncommon for inspectors to be the
target of insults -- even thrown objects -- from inconvenienced motorists."

I think it is a stretch to say that rude motorists are responsible for the collapse of the bridge. Take a thought though, about how we treat people, workers who are attempting to make sure our roads and bridges are safe. It may delay you ten or twenty minutes but the work of inspections could save thousands of lives. Is it really that important to you that you get to where you are going on time.

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