Sunday, August 26, 2007

Teacher's Nightmare: Ogled on YouTube

Teacher's Nightmare: Ogled on YouTube

The scene was a fifth grade graduation ceremony in Charlotte, N.C., and the star
of the amateur video was not exactly the student body, but a teacher's body.
"The video was three and a half minutes of me. It would go to my face, to my
butt, to my face," said former elementary school teacher Keri McIntyre. "And
then he had his fun zooming in to my butt."

In the famous book, 1984 it is the government that is always watching you with cameras. However more and more it isn't the government that is watching you, it is your friends and sometimes strangers. Where and how these rights should be limited is going to become more of a topic for public discussion as more cases like this come forward.

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