Friday, December 19, 2008

Rush talks about the most famous mugging in America

This is a crazy story, crimes like this happen every day to normal people and it isn't news. It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean crime is up or down, or tax cuts are needed or not needed. It is what it is, and what it is, is a man who wanted money for something and asked the first person he thought he could get it from.
What happened to Mika Brzezinski is exactly why we need permanent,
across-the-board tax cuts. If we cannot keep more of our own money, muggers are
going to have to work over time. This guy could have gotten everything he wanted
from one victim, but because Mika Brzezinski only had a measly six bucks, he had
to probably go hold up a couple or three more people to make his

That puts that many more people in danger, and, of course, the
mugger risks getting caught with each attempt here at fleecing somebody. He
could end up in jail as well. I mean, how is it that Drive-By infobabe on the
road doesn't have enough money to help out a fellow citizen who's down on his
luck. This country is better than that.
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