Thursday, August 27, 2009

O'Reilly Does His Best To Revive NBC Feud - Bill O'reilly - Gawker

  • Those Fox News folk were on a roll tonight. First there was Glenn Beck's "poor me" soliloquy. And then Bill O'Reilly went on to break the ceasefire between his network and NBC. And totally called out NBC honcho Jeff Zucker.

  • Oh, weird, an old-fashioned Code Pink protest at a Town Hall. She is bugging John McCain, who kicks her out, because of the yelling. Town Hall disrupters are patriotic real Americans unless they are not.

  • Microsoft has apologized for doctoring a photo on its Polish website to replace a black mans head with that of a white guy. The original photo is on top, and the one that appeared on the Polish site

  • From world affairs to entertainment, business to fashion, crime to society, Vanity Fair is a cultural catalyst that drives the popular dialogue globally.

  • Reality mama will serve as guest cohost on morning chatfest next month while Elisabeth Hasselbeck takes maternity leave

  • Pelosi sets goal of grass-roots fundraising in an attempt to fight GOP "smears" against Dem health plan.

  • On Jan. 11, the two lawyers who argued the Bush v. Gore in 2000 will begin their case against Proposition 8.

  • A Hollywood conservative has headed East. It's "Freedom Concert" time for Jon Voight. "There's a real question at stake now. Is President Obama creating a civil war in our own country?" Mr. Voight tells Inside the Beltway."/>

Courtney Love

Courtney Love:

Photo by Christopher Peterson/

Singer Courtney Love shops in Soho with a friend in New York City, New York.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Is Palin getting ready to tweet again? « - Blogs from

Posted from
Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Scientology Pamphlet Traces the Evolution of God From Zoroaster to Kenneth the Page [Photoshop Of Horrors]

Scientology Pamphlet Traces the Evolution of God From Zoroaster to Kenneth the Page [Photoshop Of Horrors]: "

There are a lot of strange religions in the world... but of all the ones I have experienced, I really think Scientology takes the cake. When I went to their center in Portland, they showed us a video, which proclaimed that L. Ron Hubbard was man's greatest friend. It went into detail, more so than Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus... Common, he was a science fiction writer!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fox Decides, Then Reports: Coverage Of Obama Town Hall Clearly Unfair | TV | Mediaite

  • When Sen. Arlen Specter's town hall meeting this morning got contentious, all the cablers were there to cover it live. Fox News spent the most time, giving it 55 uninterrupted minutes (according to TV Eyes). Then there was Pres. Barack Obama's town hall this afternoon, that each cabler again covered live. But Fox News ended its coverage after just 30 minutes. It was the latest, and one of the most blatant, example of the decidedly non-fair and balanced way FNC has covered the town halls, and health care debate.

  • Rupert Murdoch's empire is under siege. The media mogul's latest move -- announcing that he will charge for online news content by July 2010 -- is either visionary or suicidal

  • The General Electric Co. called a Fox News Channel report about the company supplying terrorists with material used in bombs "irresponsible and maliciously false" on Wednesday as a feud between Fox's Bill O'Reilly and MSNBC's Keith Olbermann kept sizzling.

  • Ever find that sometimes when you’re talking with friends or co-workers that a certain word keeps getting repeated over and over again? Maybe it’s a flashy one or just a really useful one, but it just keeps making the rounds in e-mails or chit-chat? Well, you’re not alone – the media also loves to reuse and recycle (not so much reduce). Welcome to Mediaite’s Meme Watch, a compilation of the media’s most talked-about words… literally. This edition? Death panels!

  • There are currently two different Lou Dobbs'. There's Radio Lou Dobbs, who regularly unloads on Keith Olbermann, continues chatting about Kenyan birth certificates and generally causes a ruckus. Then there's TV Lou Dobbs, who hasn't mentioned the birther debate in awhile, hosts a more focused show and only generally gets in trouble when hammering illegal immigration. But several stories this week describe the possibility Radio Lou Dobbs is hurting his TV counterpart.

  • Newt Gingrich offers advice on what Sarah Palin needs to do to keep her presidential options open.

  • January 17, 2006: "So I thank all of you who have spoken out for your courage, your point of view. All of it. Your advocacy is very American and very important."

  • Gathering voices in the journalism industry and on the web to give some thought as to what newspapers should be considering in order to survive and evolve.

  • It's been quite some time since a summer news story high-jacked the national headlines the way the shouting over the Town Hall-Health Care debacle has done in the last few weeks. The ratings gods must be very grateful! The question now, of course, is does anyone actually know what exactly they are shouting about? It's not like the cablers are adding much insight beyond a lot of additional chatter/yelling. You know what would be great right now? Some MSM intervention. Everyone still employed by newspapers and networks is so keen to tell us that newspapers and networks are still relevant, wouldn't now be a great time to demonstrate that fact?

  • Today, in her latest Daily Beast piece, Meghan McCain blasts the divisiveness of Michelle Malkin, explaining that "[Republicans] will not get anywhere by continuing to sell hate and fear." Outside of hatemongering, is there anything worth saving in the GOP?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

McCain Takes On Malkin For Soul Of Republican Party - Meghan Mccain - Jezebel

Posted from
Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Who Will Replace Elisabeth Hasselbeck On The View? - elisabeth hasselbeck - Jezebel

Who Will Replace Elisabeth Hasselbeck On The View? - elisabeth hasselbeck - Jezebel

I think it would be a rockin good time to have Sarah Palin replace Hasselbeck on The View. Whoever replaces her, should be a conservative, to keep the balance on the show (well it really isn't balanced). Sarah Palin has the free time since she isn't working. It would give America a chance to really get to know her, from what we have seen so far I think everyone judgements are a little premature.

Red Eye: Interview with Rep. Lee Terry

“Diva” Lindsay Lohan Banned From Elle UK

“Diva” Lindsay Lohan Banned From Elle UK

Matthews to Obama protester: Why’d you bring a loaded gun to a town hall with the president?

The Daily Gut

The Daily Gut on why Twitter isn't that important.

Twitter might be a great tool for communication, but sooner or later unless people get out of their houses, and off their computers - nothing is going to happen. The Twitter crowd might be less prone to do that than anyone else, because they might miss some tweets from their friends while they are out doing something about their beliefs in the real world.

Also Meghan McCain... "Ronald Regan with curves"...

The Day in 100 Seconds: Pwn Hall

Kim Kardashian Shops At Fred Segal

David Brooks: Limbaugh health care rhetoric insane

Onion: Google's New Opt-Out Feature

Google Opt Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving To Remote Village

The Daily Show's Great Obama Death Panel Debate

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Healther Skelter - Obama Death Panel Debate
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorSpinal Tap Performance

Britney Spears | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!

Britney Spears | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!

Caroline D’Amore | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!

Caroline D’Amore | Buzz Foto | Paparazzi As An Art Form!

Matthews Charges Town Hall Protestors 'Upset Because We Have a Black President'

Monday, August 10, 2009

White House Adapts to New Playbook in Health Care Debate -

Posted from
Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Marginal Revolution: Can Murdoch charge for the web?

Posted from
Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Gives Birth To Son Isaiah Timothy

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Gives Birth To Son Isaiah Timothy\

Congrats Elisabeth...

Where Have You Gone, Joe the Citizen? -

Where Have You Gone, Joe the Citizen? -

You can't deny that the tone of discussion around health care has been heated, you can't deny that their have been people who are working together with shared interests. You even can't deny that some of these people could be called leaders, and some of them have positions of power. What that does not add up to, at least not in my mind is astro-turfing. What makes someone who believes something, and then finds figures that represent that belief and meet with others that share it some how false? What makes a movement invalid because it has strong and connected leaders. We are not talking about organizations busing people to events, sometimes even paying them to be there - that would be union organizing.

However, as this points out, when the tone and the volume of debate gets too loud, those who speak quietly and calmly have a harder time being heard. They deserve to be heard as much as anyone else. I have my doubts about health care, but I have greater doubts about the nature of the discussion around it.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mischa Barton Photos & Pics | Mischa's (Slowly) Working Towards A Most Improved Award!

Posted from
Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sarah Palin - Obama Wants To Kill My Baby

Red Eye: Male Time 8-8-09

Friday, August 7, 2009

Gay America, get your priorities straight

Posted from
Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


Obama's SEIU Thugs Attack Black Conservative

This is What the Great American Health Care Debate Has Devolved Into - glenn beck - Gawker

This is What the Great American Health Care Debate Has Devolved Into - glenn beck - Gawker

As American's we need to learn to communicate. It appears to be a sad fact that more and more, we only listen to people who agree with us, and talk to people who agree with us. This means when we run into people who don't agree with us, we don't know how to talk to them. We see them as being less than us, we see them as being stupid. In a absence of real communication, violence is the natural result.

Elderly woman slammed hard by police at Walmart

Fla. man blames cat paws for child porn downloads

Fla. man blames cat paws for child porn downloads

Sure, let me know how that works out for you.

Put Meghan McCain on the Bench! (The American Idol Bench) | Columnists | Mediaite

Put Meghan McCain on the Bench! (The American Idol Bench) | Columnists | Mediaite

Meghan McCain on American Idol, sounds crazy... see what she has to say about it. The only reason I could see for not putting her on there, is she doesn't have a music background - which really isn't a reason when you think about the stars the show has produced.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What's Shaped Like A Vagina And Can Hold Tampons? - Vagina bag - Jezebel

What's Shaped Like A Vagina And Can Hold Tampons? - Vagina bag - Jezebel

This is too funny, I don't know anyone who would want to carry that around.

Drew Barrymore & Justin Long: Rowboat Kissing! | Drew Barrymore, Justin Long : Just Jared

Drew Barrymore & Justin Long: Rowboat Kissing! | Drew Barrymore, Justin Long : Just Jared

They look like such a cute couple.

Taylor Marsh: Dear Huffington Post, About That Headline

Taylor Marsh: Dear Huffington Post, About That Headline

While it is true, that Bill Clinton and his mission got a lot of attention, I don't think that means he stole it from Hilary Clinton. Fact is Mrs. Clinton is traveling in Africa, a place most Americans don't know about and don't care about - which is sad. Mrs. Clinton's trip probably never would have gotten much media attention, helping Somalia may be something very important to America, but not to Americans.

Violence at Tampa health care forum | | Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater

Violence at Tampa health care forum | | Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater

This is not good, this is very not good. Where ever you stand on the issue, you have to know that interactions of this nature are not going to help anyone.

Woman Drags Kid Through Verizon Store

Where Will the Bloggers Go When the Coffee Shops Kick Them Out? - Bloggers - Gawker

Where Will the Bloggers Go When the Coffee Shops Kick Them Out? - Bloggers - Gawker

I'm not unemployed, but for the time being I am dependent on coffee shop wifi connections, and similar sources to get on the internet. I would rather look at myself as being in the camp of the bloggers, than the unemployed anyways. I can see the problem that all those people, taking up spacing, and not buying anything causes, I just hope none of my favorite spots kick me off.

Police shut down 7 year old Girl's lemonade stand ??? But Happy Ending !!! Tulare, CA

Todd Akin: My Colleagues "Almost Got Lynched" At Town Halls

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rupert's News Corp Swings to $203 Million Loss | The Wrap

Rupert's News Corp Swings to $203 Million Loss | The Wrap

I don't understand how this will work, what will drive people to pay for content on the internet, content that they can find on another site for free - easily. That they can get from Twitter, Facebook... or countless other sources. What prevents a few blogs from paying for access, just to reframe the articles with clips, and reposting them to their free sites - sites that people who don't want to pay will be drawn to.


Glenn Beck to His Viewers: Please Refrain From Homicidal Rampages - glenn beck - Gawker

Glenn Beck to His Viewers: Please Refrain From Homicidal Rampages - glenn beck - Gawker

Ok, Glen Beck is nuts, everyone knows that, and his show does get people angry. That being said, I think it is unfair to claim that he should be held responsible for violence, just because the actors of violence agree with him. His audience chooses him, and he doesn't choose his audience.

Keith Olbermann Against the World - Keith Olbermann - Gawker

Keith Olbermann Against the World - Keith Olbermann - Gawker

I think I dis-like Olbermann the more and more I see him. He's just a jerk. Here he goes back, once again to hit O'Reilly over a poor choice of words made years ago. For the most part he uses his "Worst Person in the World" segment to dis-claim any deal between himself, and O'Reilly or between the two networks. He even goes on an insane ramble about solidarity with O'Reilly in fighting censurship.

FBI Agent Thinks the Green Party Is a Terrorist Group With Nukes - Fbi - Gawker

FBI Agent Thinks the Green Party Is a Terrorist Group With Nukes - Fbi - Gawker

Green Party... terrorists? The FBI should start looking at oil companies if they are looking for terrorists.

Paula Abdul Announces She's Leaving Idol, Bonnie Fuller Says She's Lying - American Idol - Gawker

Paula Abdul Announces She's Leaving Idol, Bonnie Fuller Says She's Lying - American Idol - Gawker

With Paula gone, the show can do what it should have done years ago. End.

Aniston unconcerned with single status -

Aniston unconcerned with single status -

She is a beautiful womyn, what is there to be ashamed of?


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