Tuesday, June 29, 2010
It is time to leave Afghanistan
Monday, June 28, 2010
Wait I thought their lives were a reality show...
Well actually mostly a show, and not so much reality as the rest of us understand it.
in reference to: Lindsay Lohan Photos & Pics | Lindsay Lohan To Star In Reality Show With Her Mom (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, June 27, 2010
On and Off the record.
It does seem doubtful that many of the things in the story were on the record. There are items "on the record" and items "off the record" and then there are casual remarks that occur during normal conversation which aren't clearly either. It would be my bet that most of the problematic quotes are of the more casual nature. Hastings broke a big story, got a general fired and put his magazine into the news cycle, but he probably also damaged his own career. Who is going to trust him now?
in reference to: Hot Air » Pentagon official: “Rolling Stone” made McChrystal’s staff think they were speaking off the record (view on Google Sidewiki)Hey Wall Street tabloid reporter...
How does it feel to be a douche bag?
in reference to: Wall Street Tabloid Asks CNBC Anchor 'How Does It Feel To Be A MILF?' | NewsBusters.org (view on Google Sidewiki)Will he let people live with him...
When they follow his advice and lose their homes. I don't agree or disagree with his central points, well actually I do. It wasn't just the bankers that caused this problem. It was the bankers, the government and yes people who took out loans they could not afford. There is a good amount of greed and dishonestly at all levels of the melt down.
in reference to: MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Urges Homeowners to Stop Paying Mortgages As a Leftist Protest | NewsBusters.org (view on Google Sidewiki)EPA thinks milk is just like oil...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
How a kid plays a violent video game...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black...
They are both fame whores.
in reference to: Heidi Montag Accuses Husband Of Using Name To Market Book: “Spencer’s A Famewhore!” (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, June 21, 2010
Wow... she is some whore...
Poor Justin Bieber.
in reference to: Heidi Montag Hits On Justin Bieber Via Twitter (view on Google Sidewiki)It is about time...
Two things you want from a map is directions and distance.
in reference to: Distance Measurement in Google Maps Labs (view on Google Sidewiki)This would be a big change...
Looks like Obama is losing the support of the person who put him in office. This would have been like Karl Rove cutting out on President Bush.
in reference to: Late Night Open Thread: Rahm Emanuel Leaving White House? | NewsBusters.org (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, June 20, 2010
Will someone tell me...
What does the FDA do, other than waste money.
in reference to: You Still Can't Trust Trust Sunscreen SPF, Waterproof Claims - The Consumerist (view on Google Sidewiki)Thursday, June 17, 2010
News is a consumer product...
Which means it shouldn't be a surprise that it is going to be controlled more by the purchaser than the seller.
in reference to:"Here is the deepest and, to many serious journalists, most disturbing truth about the future of news: The audience will control it. They will get the kind of news they choose to get. Not the kind they say they want, but the kind they actually choose."
- Nieman Reports | Feeling the Heat: The Brain Holds Clues for Journalism (view on Google Sidewiki)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I knew it...
Who did you think it was? Grandpa?
in reference to: Area Grandmother Comes Forward As 'Banksy' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source (view on Google Sidewiki)I got over this site fast...
It is a collection of perverts and their... well parts of them you would rather not see.
in reference to: It Took People This Long to Turn Their Backs on Chatroulette? (view on Google Sidewiki)Where's the Beef?
In the face of a crisis that has unfolded for almost two full months, Obama chose to talk about wind turbines. A nation waited to see if a leader would emerge from the White House, and instead it got an absent-minded professor desperate to change the subject. |
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Good use of money guys...
Common, I thought the point of fast food was that it was cheap.
in reference to: Pentagon Spent Over $773,000 To Open A KFC/Taco Bell In Guantanamo Bay - The Consumerist (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, June 7, 2010
I am not offended...
I just don't understand how anyone can think that Poland or Germany is "home" to the Jews.
in reference to: Robert Gibbs | Helen Thomas | Video | Mediaite (view on Google Sidewiki)Congrats to Jason....
He has made it through some hard times, I wish them a happy life.
in reference to: Jason Davis Photos & Pics | In Case You Care, Jason Davis Got Engaged (view on Google Sidewiki)This is sad...
Everyone should watch this video.
in reference to: Open Wounds: Bhopal 1984-2009 on Vimeo (view on Google Sidewiki)Why quit her?
I think she is hot... really hot.
in reference to: We Wish We Could Quit The Progressive Insurance Lady (view on Google Sidewiki)That's dumb...
Most people should eat less.
in reference to: Urban Outfitters Causing Outrage With "Eat Less" T-Shirt - The Consumerist (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
The money isn't the problem...
Groups like The Nature Conservancy have taken money from BP in the past. Some are claiming this damages the reputation of these organizations.
I disagree, the donation was between a company that wanted to look environmentally friendly, and non-profits that need cash to protect the environment. Both sides knew what the deal was, and it should be clear to everyone else too.
The real question, is what those groups are going to do now. Are they going to hit BP hard for its mistakes, or are they going to go soft on the company?