Sunday, September 19, 2010

After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands. Friedrich Nietzsche
A woman may very well form a friendship with a man, but for this to endure, it must be assisted by a little physical antipathy. 
Friedrich Nietzsche

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I should now be able to send blog posts from my e-mail... I am testing it right now.

Only Greg would come up with something like this...

And only Greg could pull it off. I love it.

Christine O'Donnell: "I Dabbled Into Witchcraft"

No Accepted Medical Use? Three Perspectives on Medical Cannabis

What's holding back small business?

What's holding back small business?: "

Catherine Rampell has a very useful graph, displayed here, and cited favorably by Krugman and also deLong.


Afghans Vote Despite Attacks, Turnout Appears Low - ABC News

Afghans Vote Despite Attacks, Turnout Appears Low - ABC News

Is Sarah Palin running?

I'm not sure this is fair...

The media really created the problem. They are the ones who turned his whisper into a shout heard around the world. I say charge them, they no doubt made more than enough to cover the bill from their coverage.

in reference to: Pastor Terry Jones Hit with $180,000 Police Security Bill (view on Google Sidewiki)

This is the missing key in the debate...

Conservatives think about and talk about Muslims, Arabs and terrorists like they are all one in the same. However, not all Muslims in America are Arab, even in the Middle East, Iranians are not Arab, they are Persian. Americans need to develop a better understanding of Islam, and the people both here and around that world who choose that as a faith.

Sarah Palin - 2012 - Chris Matthews | Mediaite

Sarah Palin - 2012 - Chris Matthews | Mediaite

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Jon Stewart's 'Million Moderates' Rally Organized by Two Liberal Clintonistas

Jon Stewart's 'Million Moderates' Rally Organized by Two Liberal Clintonistas: "

The Washington Post promoted the dueling Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert liberal satirist rally on Saturday's front page with the blurb: "Comedy Central sets up opposing stunts in October. Your dilemma: Join Stewart's 'Million Moderates,' or Colbert 'Keep Fear Alive'?" What Post TV critic Lisa deMoraes discovered is that there are no moderates organizing this event on the last weekend before the midterm elections. Comedy Central is relying on two liberal Clintonistas.

Don't go off the reservation...

I don't think Rove should be demonised for stating what he sees as real problems with O'Donnell. We enter a scary political era when you cannot say bad things about candidates in your own party. We enter a political era lacking in truthfulness.

in reference to: » What Karl Rove Should Have Said - Big Government (view on Google Sidewiki)

Michael Moore McDonald's at Ground Zero Killed More People Than 911 Hija...

Punk A** Paparazzi to Punk A** Russell Brand: This's America Bit*h,andYo...

Palin running for president...

It still isn't clear, but making moves like this points her in the right direction.

in reference to: C-SPAN Video Player - Sarah Palin at Iowa Republican Party’s annual Ronald Reagan Dinner (view on Google Sidewiki)

How does she do it?

Paris has managed to get herself out of serous trouble again... I can only shake my head.

in reference to: Paris Hilton avoids jail with plea deal - Entertainment - Celebrities - (view on Google Sidewiki)

This is a funny video...

Click the link to watch the video. It isn't in English, but if you pay attention to politics you can see what is going on, and you'll get the joke.

I like Posterous...

It is rating below Tumblr, but I use them both and I like Posterous better.

in reference to: Tumblr Leaves Posterous in the Dust (view on Google Sidewiki)

Happy Constitution Day: Miss me yet?

Happy Constitution Day: Miss me yet?:

Photoshop credit: Reader W.E. Messamore

Don't run...

I have to agree with Sarah Palin, the voice of the voters has said they don't want her to run. Why is she running... She claims to have people supporting her, just not enough to win the primary.

in reference to: Hot Air » Murkowski: This is one woman who won’t quit on Alaska (view on Google Sidewiki)

$9 Million for signs?

How can anyone justify spending that much money on stupid signs. Obama says it is transparency, and Republicans call it tax-payer funded propaganda. I am doing with the Republicans on this one.

Bill Maher: Obama Would Be A Better President 'If He Was Fully Black'

Bill Maher: Obama Would Be A Better President 'If He Was Fully Black':

Bill Maher on Friday said Barack Obama's problem is "he's only half black." He'd be a better president "if he was fully black.

I know you're a comedian Bill, and you say these kinds of things to get attention. But still... WTF?

INF Daily's Celebrity News Report for September 15th, 2010

Mel Gibson Confronts INF Paparazzo - ENTIRE VIDEO

Friday, September 17, 2010

Townhall - Like, Is Sarah Palin Totally Conceited?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Jon Stewart - Rally To Restore Sanity - Restoring Honor | Mediaite

Jon Stewart - Rally To Restore Sanity - Restoring Honor | Mediaite

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

BlackBerry era coming to a close?

BlackBerry era coming to a close?: "

BlackBerry is losing out to Android in the smartphone market, slowly but surely.

Little Green Footballs - Jon Stewart: Islamophobiapalooza

Little Green Footballs - Jon Stewart: Islamophobiapalooza

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Hot Air » Michael Steele: The RNC supports O’Donnell “without hesitation”

Hot Air » Michael Steele: The RNC supports O’Donnell “without hesitation”

The smell of schadenfreude in the morning: Christine O'Donnell sparks all-out right-wing civil war | Crooks and Liars

The smell of schadenfreude in the morning: Christine O'Donnell sparks all-out right-wing civil war | Crooks and Liars

Street Fighting Man: The Political Mind of Alan Grayson | Video Cafe

Street Fighting Man: The Political Mind of Alan Grayson | Video Cafe

Street Fighting Man Trailer from Martini Lunch Productions on Vimeo.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Friedrich Nietzsche

Was it really a slam on Bristol?

I think Meghan was talking more about the people who were trying to manage her image, than attempting to slam Bristol. Regardless, it is good to see Bristol keeping a smile on her face. She didn't ask for her mother to be Sarah Palin, and she hasn't done anything thousands of teens haven't done.

in reference to: Bristol Palin Photos & Pics | Bristol Palin Keeps A Smile On Her Face After Getting Slammed By Meghan McCain (view on Google Sidewiki)

Will you people stop...

Stop paying attention to him and he might go away. Wouldn't that be better for everyone?

in reference to: Michael Lohan Photos & Pics | X17 EXCLUSIVE - Michael Lohan's Reality Show Gets Green Light (view on Google Sidewiki)

Really Jenn???

How could you date the Pink Taco? Lindsay Lohan's leftovers? You're better than that, you once were married to Brad Pitt.

in reference to: What Does Jennifer Aniston See in Lindsay Lohan's Ex? - Couples, Harry Morton, Jennifer Aniston : (view on Google Sidewiki)

How To Marginalize A Media Whore: Morning Joe Refuses To Interview Pastor | Mediaite

How To Marginalize A Media Whore: Morning Joe Refuses To Interview Pastor | Mediaite

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy - Raw Video Compilation of The San Bruno Gas Explosion - Raw Video Compilation of The San Bruno Gas Explosion - Dash Cam: Police Chase Flaming Hijacked Bus - Dash Cam: Police Chase Flaming Hijacked Bus

Who is using who here?

I think the relationship between this nutty pastor and the nutty media is two sided. Both are getting something out it. Viewers, and news consumers on the other hand are not.

in reference to: Hot Air » Media outside pastor’s home finally snaps: “You’re just using us! We should all leave!” (view on Google Sidewiki)

More popular than Jesus...

But also more popular than Jessica Simpson and Jesse James.

in reference to: Is Jessi Slaughter More Popular Than Jesus? (view on Google Sidewiki)

Joan Walsh Explains to Ed Schultz How and Why the Media Dustup over Terry Jones Started | Video Cafe

Joan Walsh Explains to Ed Schultz How and Why the Media Dustup over Terry Jones Started | Video Cafe

Stewart teaches MSNBC to selectively edit clips like Fox News | Video Cafe

Stewart teaches MSNBC to selectively edit clips like Fox News | Video Cafe
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Are You Ready for Some Midterms? - MSNBC's Political Narrative
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Kurtz calls out Hannity for his 'deceptive' editing of Obama's speech -- but that's nothing new for Fox | Crooks and Liars

Kurtz calls out Hannity for his 'deceptive' editing of Obama's speech -- but that's nothing new for Fox | Crooks and Liars

California gets bested by Texas...

TEXAS??? Of all places!!! TEXAS!!! What happened to California?

in reference to: Brownsville, Texas, The Latest Place To Ban Plastic Bags - The Consumerist (view on Google Sidewiki)

Too little, too late...

They should have just kept their network up, instead of having to spend tons of money to fix it. I think it might be too late for ATT's image now.

in reference to: AT&T Writes Me To Say It's Spending Tons Of Money To Improve Network - The Consumerist (view on Google Sidewiki)

This is stupid...

Two people died to protest something that didn't even happen, to protest the words of a nut on the other side of the world. It isn't just stupid, it is crazy.

in reference to: 2 killed in Afghan protest over Quran-burning plan - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Breitbart on Sky News

Happy Birthday Big Government...

What a year it has been.... really, only a year?

in reference to: » Big Government: What a Difference a Year Makes - Big Government (view on Google Sidewiki)

I'm not a fan of cough medicine...

But this is not going to stop people from taking drugs. You can make meth out of lots of things... like matchheads. Meth is a real problem, how about focusing on a solution that actually helps the people who suffer from addiction.

Ohhh no he isn't really married?

Isn't there something better to talk about?

in reference to: Where's Obama's Wedding Band? Getting Repaired - Political Punch (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Microbes are eating BP oil without using up oxygen

Microbes are eating BP oil without using up oxygen:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Government scientists studying the BP disaster are reporting the best possible outcome: Microbes are consuming the oil in the Gulf without depleting the oxygen in the water and creating 'dead zones' where fish cannot survive....

UN reports over 500 rapes in eastern Congo

UN reports over 500 rapes in eastern Congo:

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The United Nations reported Tuesday that more than 500 systematic rapes were committed by armed combatants in eastern Congo since late July - more than double the number previously reported - and accepted partial responsibility for not protecting citizens....

This is just stupid....

Of course they have the right to burn Korans, but should they? No, I don't think so. It is a pointless gesture that is only going to fuel more hatred and fear in this world. I doubt Jesus would approve - not that they care.

It is really a stupid idea...

Of course they have the right to burn Korans, but should they? No, I don't think so. It is a pointless gesture that is only going to fuel more hatred and fear in this world. I doubt Jesus would approve - not that they care.

in reference to: U.S. Afghanistan commanders condemn Koran-burning plan | Reuters (view on Google Sidewiki)


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