Sunday, May 27, 2007

Media Matters - Blitzer did not ask Bloomberg about police surveillance of political activists before 2004 convention

Media Matters - Blitzer did not ask Bloomberg about police surveillance of political activists before 2004 convention:

"Summary: During an interview with Michael Bloomberg, CNN's Wolf Blitzer did not
take the opportunity to ask Bloomberg about recent reports that 'the New York
Police Department was secretly monitoring' anti-Bush activists and would-be
protesters before and during the Republican National Convention in 2004 'and not
just at public events.' Summary: During an interview with Michael Bloomberg,
CNN's Wolf Blitzer did not take the opportunity to ask Bloomberg about recent
reports that 'the New York Police Department was secretly monitoring' anti-Bush
activists and would-be protesters before and during the Republican National
Convention in 2004 'and not just at public events.' Summary: During an interview
with Michael Bloomberg, CNN's Wolf Blitzer did not take the opportunity to ask
Bloomberg about recent reports that 'the New York Police Department was secretly
monitoring' anti-Bush activists and would-be protesters before and during the
Republican National Convention in 2004 'and not just at public events.' "

This is very concerning to me. I think this is a vast over step of the legal authority of the Police Departments and the City.

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