Sunday, May 27, 2007

Michael Moore as Dan Rather? |

Michael Moore as Dan Rather?

"One thing is certain. Moore, the director of the new anti-healthcare industry
movie “Sicko,” thinks he qualifies. He said in the June 1 Entertainment Weekly
that he embraces bias and one-sided story telling. “In my case, it’s going to
take 20 or 30 years to figure out what I came up with, because while it’s
journalism, it’s also satire couple with a large sprinkling of opinion to create
a work of art,” said Moore."

I don't think that he is a journalist. I think that he provides interesting debate and information for the country but I don't think that he is a journalist. I think every honest journalist attempts to get both side of the story, and it isn't enough to say that they have their own forum some where else.

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