Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Irony Alert: Elizabeth Edwards on strong opinions

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Irony Alert: Elizabeth Edwards on strong opinions:

"“But I like it when somebody expresses their view with clarity and force,” she
said. “It was Nietzsche or Kierkegaard who said you have to believe in something
so strongly that you don’t acknowledge another’s point of view: That’s what real
belief is.”"

While it is true that you can express yourself with vigor and force and not be abusive, I think Edwards has a larger point that is true here. There are two dangers in the political conversation, the first is that it will become heated with strong opinions. The second is that it will be stale, and not allow strong opinions. Honestly it is the second that I fear the most. Honest and open discussion is what we need for our system to operate, and sometimes honest and open is offensive.

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