Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Marginal Revolution: Medical free trade zones

Marginal Revolution: Medical free trade zones:

"Why not open up a Medical Free Trade Zone in, say, Detroit? Health care workers
in the zone would not be required to get US visas or licenses, and any
malpractice claims would be resolved in the courts of the worker's home

There has been a big movement lately, of people going to other countries like India to get medical service, because it is cheaper to do so. This idea is constructed on that idea, but with the additional twist of making it easier for those who can't travel to India. Why not bring the doctors to a "free trade zone", and let them meet customers needs, operating under the same rules that they would if were still in their home country. The customers would of course need to be alerted to this, and made clear of what their rights were and were not, but many would be willing to accept the risks to save money.

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