Saturday, August 11, 2007

Crooks and Liars » FRC Claims Others Can’t Be Christian, Have Values

Crooks and Liars » FRC Claims Others Can’t Be Christian, Have Values:

"The Family Research Council is launching a project aimed at convincing its
supporters before the 2008 election that liberal politicians “are spouting
God-talk” in order to “confuse people of faith” and hide their “true agenda.”
Invoking the Religious Right’s recent favored phrase for its imagined
constituency - as well as the “Swift Boat” campaign of 2004 - the so-called
“Values Voters for Truth” campaign is an attempt to vilify liberals - and,
obviously, Democratic candidates - as enemies of Christianity who are
undertaking a conspiracy to “deceive and split values voters.” [..]"

This is disgusting fear based politics that should not be accepted by anyone. If you are voting for someone it should be based on who that person is, and what their ideas are. Religion does and should play a part in making you decision, but to claim that Democrats are some how less moral or less Christian is a blind and short sighted attack.

On a side note, it is the right that has been having so many moral scandals lately isn't it.

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