Saturday, August 11, 2007

TSP Cut By 75% In Earlier FISA Ruling

Captain's Quarters: TSP Cut By 75% In Earlier FISA Ruling

"Now we know why the Democrats caved on the FISA adjustment earlier this month
that allowed the warrantless surveillance to proceed at the NSA on international
communications. The same reporters that blew the program's cover in December
2005 now report that a FISA decision earlier this year forced the NSA to get
warrants on purely international calls that happened to pass through American
telephony switches. That reduced surveilled traffic by 75%, which forced
Congress to act:"

This is why I think getting that bill passed was so important. While I understand the concept of privacy, I question that it should be as strong a right as some see to believe. A metal detector it could be argued is an invasion of privacy if someone has to go through one to enter a school. However, if it keeps a person with a gun out of the school, a person who might shoot and kill innocent people, where does the balance lie. I think that dead people don't have the ability to express their rights, when you kill you take away all a persons rights at once. To give up a small portion of your privacy rights seems fair.

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