Monday, September 17, 2007

Cradle of civilization being looted and destroyed - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth

Cradle of civilization being looted and destroyed - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:

"'There are 10,000 archaeological sites in the country. In the Nassariyah area
alone, there are about 840 Sumerian sites; they have all been systematically
looted. Even when Alexander the Great destroyed a city, he would always build
another. But now the robbers are destroying everything because they are going
down to bedrock. What's new is that the looters are becoming more and more
organised with, apparently, lots of money."

It is the sad reality that conflicts of today damage the historical remains of yesterday. I want to believe that if these sites have remained this long, they may be damaged, but they will survive. As far as artifacts being stolen, I find it hard to believe that this wasn't happening under Saddam, when there was wide spread poverty. We didn't have the same awareness of it that we have now of course. To be clear, I think that steps should be taken to save these ancient ruins, but damage happens.

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