Friday, May 18, 2007

Three Months

Today is three months since I ventured to begin this blog. In that time I have already established what I believe to be an audience that finds this blog informative. I don't know how many people are out there reading this, and while at times I worry about it, long term I don't. If I can make a difference in few peoples lives, then I have done something. Of course I would like to have a million hits a day, that isn't going to happen right away, if ever.

I am working hard to make the blog an informative source about politics and gossip and all things that I think are important. I also want it to be entertaining, which sometimes I neglect in the push to get politics or gossip stories out. Right now I have focused a lot of energy on politics because I want to balance my coverage more, and in the past I have covered gossip heavily. The measure I am using is the number of tags that are gossip and the number that are politics. I am working to raise the number of politics until it is on par with that of gossip, which means making up ground. At the same time I want to avoid this becoming a YouTube blog so I am keeping the number of gossip posts at par with the number of YouTube posts.

I want to take this moment to thank you all for being a part of my blog, and encourage you to make comments, to express your thoughts and your feelings. I promise you that no comment will be blocked based on its content, unless it is clearly an ad or violent.


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