Friday, August 17, 2007

Accident at Mine Rescue Site Kills 3, Injures 6 | Air America Radio

Accident at Mine Rescue Site Kills 3, Injures 6 Air America Radio:

"Last night, during efforts to rescue mine workers from the Crandall Canyon
Mine, a seismic jolt occurred, which took the lives of three rescue workers and
injured 6 others."

This is really turning from a tragedy into a catastrophe. The rescue efforts continue, as the days pass that the miners have been stuck underground. Earlier today hope was revived when spaces of air and water were found in the tunnel. The spaces were found via a hole that has been drilled with the top, with a camera and mic lowered into it. An unidentified sound was also heard. The crew has been down there more than a week, even with water and air they would be in bad shape.

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