Wednesday, September 5, 2007 - Dorm Fight at University of Arizona Leaves 1 Dead, Another Injured - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Dorm Fight at University of Arizona Leaves 1 Dead, Another Injured - Local News News Articles National News US News:

"TUCSON, Ariz. — A fight between two roommates at the University of Arizona
Wednesday left one dead and the other hospitalized with injuries not considered
life-threatening, authorities said. The 18-year-old woman who died had told
police last week that she suspected her roommate of stealing from her,
authorities said. Police identified the dead student as Mia Henderson of the
Navajo Nation but released few other details. The surviving woman's name was not
released. Her injuries were not specified, and her condition wasn't immediately

That must have been some fight.

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