Saturday, September 15, 2007

U.S. looks to expand Anbar model -

U.S. looks to expand Anbar model -

"KUT, Iraq (AP) — American commanders in southern Iraq say Shiite sheiks
are showing interest in joining forces with the U.S. military against
extremists, in much the same way that Sunni clansmen in the western part of the
country have worked with American forces against al-Qaeda."

Could this program be something that brings Iraqis together? The attacks against it in the north have been that it was arming one side, which would make it better armed in the coming civil war. If we can work with the other side and get them involved it will help to show that it isn't our goal to arm one sect against the others. I think it would be great if terrorists who tried to split up Iraq, end up uniting Iraqis against them.

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