Monday, August 6, 2007

Dhimmi Watch: UK: 'Allah' ice-creams banned

Dhimmi Watch: UK: 'Allah' ice-creams banned:

"Cone-demned ... 'spinning whirl' ice creams look similar to the world Allah written in Arabic script"

Are people really that insane that they are offended that the design on the top of an ice cream container bears a very lose resemblance to the name Allah. Where is Rage Boy, he should be out in the streets getting his ugly mug in the news again. This is ice cream people.

On the other hand I feel like I am watching one of those parents that try and protect their children. You see how they try and keep them away from the simple dangers of the world, and while you understand it, you think it is making the child weak and giving it an unrealistic expectation of the world. You want to ask the parent, when are you going to stop treating them like children. When are we going to stop treating Muslims like children.

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