Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Socialite's Life

A Socialite's Life: Britney's Head On Someone Else's Body

"Spears walked out of a shoot for the perfume's ads before decent shots were
taken. But that hasn't stopped Elizabeth Arden's marketing campaign for the
'She looked amazing, but she left the shoot three times in a state of
distress before driving away for good,' our source said. 'They had decent shots
of her face, but not her body, so the art director made the stylist - a cute
girl name Kylie Cavaco - get in Britney's clothes and pose.
'They are superimposing Britney's head on Kylie's body. Kylie has the body Brit used to
have, not the one she has now.'"

Ok, seriously does this womyn need medicine or something. Can she not do a proper photo shoot? Of course it probably turned out better to use someone else's body than Brit's. How much longer can this train wreck go on before it stutters to a complete and dead halt. It isn't that I want her to fail, but every new day, is a new scandal for her.

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