Sunday, September 2, 2007

Best of... Politics

Iraqi leaders sign unity accord

Is this success in the political process, no. It is one step closer to that success though, a step that may not have been possible without the enhanced security in Iraq that resulted from the surge.

Embattled Gonzales Resigns -

I hope that they don't put Bat Boy Chertoff in his place.

Andy Rooney Gets Pass for Racial Slur About Hispanic Baseball Players

Where's Al Sharpton, if this had been said about black players, if he had said that all the basketball players these days are named Jamal, you would hear from Al. I think that if Andy got a pass from this, it isn't because he is a liberal, so was Imus. It is because there aren't powerful Hispanic groups that will come out, like there are for African-Americans.

Talking Points Memo What About Sen. David Vitter?

I think Vitter needs to go now too. It is time to start cleaning house.

CNN's host Glenn Beck says New Orleans should not be rebuilt - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth

I actually think that there is good reason to not rebuild the whole city. There are areas of the city that were in a position of such inherent danger that there is little if anything that can be done to make them safe. New Orleans amounts to being a very big sand bar, some of which lays under sea level. It doesn't make sense to me to build on such a foundation. Offer people who lost their homes funds to help them relocate. I know that some will talk about wanting to go back to their homes, and if they want to do that they should be able to. If they want to pay for it themselves.

Gates of Vienna: Swedish Flags are Burning

Not again, I strongly believe a number of things related to this issue. The first of all is that we should be sensitive to each others religious beliefs. Second is that the free expression of ideas is the most important freedom that we have as people. Third and most importantly, we cannot allow teenagers with matches and loud voices on the Arab street to control the media of the west. Honestly they shouldn't even be able to control the media of their own countries - let the adults in their countries do that.

A Freeper smacks down the Base over Craig - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth

I have long been confused by conservatives would take such a strong anti-gay stand. Classic conservatism wants to give the government the least power that it can. What are you talking about, when you talk about the government not allowing gay couples to share in equal relationships, you are talking about the government telling people who they have the right to love. How much more powerful and intrusive could the government be?

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