Saturday, September 8, 2007

Crooks and Liars » David Brooks: Wanker Elite

Crooks and Liars » David Brooks: Wanker Elite:

"Brooks: I mean on one hand he’s a malevolent guy who killed three
thousand Americans, but you read this thing and it’s like he’s been sitting
around reading lefty blogs and one of these childish people posting rants at the
bottom of the page (garbled) Noam Chomsky and all this stuff."

What if the goal of this video and its message was not to put a message out there about either party, rather it was about division. Bin Laden is a smart man, he must have known that if he puts out a message that mirrors the language of the left, that it would touch off a battle between the left and the right about the war on terror. What this country needs right now more than anything is unity, not the unity of agreement of practice, but the unity of goals. We need to understand that we can and should be working together to over come these problems. Bin Laden seems to understand that if we don't work together we will fail, why don't our politicians understand that.

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