Saturday, September 8, 2007

Gates of Vienna: The Muslim World Should Boycott Sweden

Gates of Vienna: The Muslim World Should Boycott Sweden

The Swedish newspaper, Nerikes Allehanda, claims that they were just exercising
their right to freedom of expression and refuses to apologise.
But freedom of expression does not mean that you insult the most beloved Prophet of Islam
and slap the faces of over 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide. This latest insult is
not freedom of expression. It is an all-out provocation.

Saying that free speech isn't free speech because it is provocative is lazy and disingenuous. Free speech doesn't exist for speech that everyone accepts, it exists for the voices that are disturbing and provocative. It exists because sometimes it is small groups of people that have to come forward with a truth that the greater population in either unaware of are afraid of.

The article linked to is not the editorial - though it is linked from there. It has more details about the editorial.

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