Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Leonard Cohen
Anything I say is too loud for her mood
I will have to come back
a million years later
with the scalp of my old life
hanging from one hand
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Shall I pass judgement on my character, on my nature? Is this not to veil from myself at that moment what I know only too well, that I thus judge a past to which by definition my present is not subject? The proof of this is that same man who in sincerity posits that he is what in actuality he was, is indignant at the reproach of another and tries to disarm it by asserting that he can no longer be what he was.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sartre quote
It is necessary then to recognize that destruction is an essentially human thing and that it is man who destroys his cities through the agency of earthquakes or directly, who destroys his ships through the agency of cyclones or directly. But at the same time it is necessary to acknowledge that destruction supposes a pre-judicative comprehension of nothingness as such and a conduct in the face of nothingness.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A 20 year old police chief
Start the day...
Sarah is on a roll
Sarah on NPR
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Chile is a story about journalism’s failure
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Firefighters Watch As Home Burns: Gene Cranick's House Destroyed In Tennessee Over $75 Fee (VIDEO)
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You might not like it...
But Glenn Beck has a point, either everyone pays the fee for service, or no one does. Maybe it should be a part of taxes, an extra fee you have to pay. But it sounds like the fire department is working outside its district.
in reference to: Video - Glenn Beck and co-host mock man who house burned down in Tennessee. - National Political Buzz | (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
My Nap
Thomas Fuller
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Friday, October 1, 2010
You want to help the world... Mr. Bin Laden?
I suggest you stop being a terrorist, and start working to support positive actions that better peoples lives. Just saying...
in reference to: Bin Laden criticizes Pakistan relief, urges climate action | Reuters (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friedrich Nietzsche
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What's holding back small business?
Catherine Rampell has a very useful graph, displayed here, and cited favorably by Krugman and also deLong.
I'm not sure this is fair...
The media really created the problem. They are the ones who turned his whisper into a shout heard around the world. I say charge them, they no doubt made more than enough to cover the bill from their coverage.
in reference to: Pastor Terry Jones Hit with $180,000 Police Security Bill (view on Google Sidewiki)This is the missing key in the debate...
Jon Stewart's 'Million Moderates' Rally Organized by Two Liberal Clintonistas
The Washington Post promoted the dueling Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert liberal satirist rally on Saturday's front page with the blurb: "Comedy Central sets up opposing stunts in October. Your dilemma: Join Stewart's 'Million Moderates,' or Colbert 'Keep Fear Alive'?" What Post TV critic Lisa deMoraes discovered is that there are no moderates organizing this event on the last weekend before the midterm elections. Comedy Central is relying on two liberal Clintonistas.
Don't go off the reservation...
I don't think Rove should be demonised for stating what he sees as real problems with O'Donnell. We enter a scary political era when you cannot say bad things about candidates in your own party. We enter a political era lacking in truthfulness.
in reference to: » What Karl Rove Should Have Said - Big Government (view on Google Sidewiki)Palin running for president...
It still isn't clear, but making moves like this points her in the right direction.
in reference to: C-SPAN Video Player - Sarah Palin at Iowa Republican Party’s annual Ronald Reagan Dinner (view on Google Sidewiki)How does she do it?
Paris has managed to get herself out of serous trouble again... I can only shake my head.
in reference to: Paris Hilton avoids jail with plea deal - Entertainment - Celebrities - (view on Google Sidewiki)This is a funny video...
I like Posterous...
It is rating below Tumblr, but I use them both and I like Posterous better.
in reference to: Tumblr Leaves Posterous in the Dust (view on Google Sidewiki)Happy Constitution Day: Miss me yet?
Photoshop credit: Reader W.E. Messamore
Don't run...
I have to agree with Sarah Palin, the voice of the voters has said they don't want her to run. Why is she running... She claims to have people supporting her, just not enough to win the primary.
in reference to: Hot Air » Murkowski: This is one woman who won’t quit on Alaska (view on Google Sidewiki)$9 Million for signs?
Bill Maher: Obama Would Be A Better President 'If He Was Fully Black'
Bill Maher on Friday said Barack Obama's problem is "he's only half black." He'd be a better president "if he was fully black.
I know you're a comedian Bill, and you say these kinds of things to get attention. But still... WTF?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Townhall - Like, Is Sarah Palin Totally Conceited?
Ann Coulter Readers Confuse Michael Gross & Michael Joseph Gross - GalleyCat
The Truth about That Dishonest Vanity Fair Palin Story, from One Who Was There - Big Journalism
Saying anything about Palin, cont'd - Ben Smith -
Michael Joseph Gross Responds to Criticism of His Article on Sarah Palin | VF Daily | Vanity Fair
Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury | Politics | Vanity Fair
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
BlackBerry era coming to a close?
BlackBerry is losing out to Android in the smartphone market, slowly but surely.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Dita Von Teese Invites You To Join Her For A Cocktail [Snap Judgment]
[Sydney, September 16. Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]
More »Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Was it really a slam on Bristol?
I think Meghan was talking more about the people who were trying to manage her image, than attempting to slam Bristol. Regardless, it is good to see Bristol keeping a smile on her face. She didn't ask for her mother to be Sarah Palin, and she hasn't done anything thousands of teens haven't done.
in reference to: Bristol Palin Photos & Pics | Bristol Palin Keeps A Smile On Her Face After Getting Slammed By Meghan McCain (view on Google Sidewiki)Will you people stop...
Stop paying attention to him and he might go away. Wouldn't that be better for everyone?
in reference to: Michael Lohan Photos & Pics | X17 EXCLUSIVE - Michael Lohan's Reality Show Gets Green Light (view on Google Sidewiki)Really Jenn???
How could you date the Pink Taco? Lindsay Lohan's leftovers? You're better than that, you once were married to Brad Pitt.
in reference to: What Does Jennifer Aniston See in Lindsay Lohan's Ex? - Couples, Harry Morton, Jennifer Aniston : (view on Google Sidewiki)How To Marginalize A Media Whore: Morning Joe Refuses To Interview Pastor | Mediaite
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Who is using who here?
I think the relationship between this nutty pastor and the nutty media is two sided. Both are getting something out it. Viewers, and news consumers on the other hand are not.
in reference to: Hot Air » Media outside pastor’s home finally snaps: “You’re just using us! We should all leave!” (view on Google Sidewiki)More popular than Jesus...
But also more popular than Jessica Simpson and Jesse James.
in reference to: Is Jessi Slaughter More Popular Than Jesus? (view on Google Sidewiki)Stewart teaches MSNBC to selectively edit clips like Fox News | Video Cafe
California gets bested by Texas...
TEXAS??? Of all places!!! TEXAS!!! What happened to California?
in reference to: Brownsville, Texas, The Latest Place To Ban Plastic Bags - The Consumerist (view on Google Sidewiki)Too little, too late...
They should have just kept their network up, instead of having to spend tons of money to fix it. I think it might be too late for ATT's image now.
in reference to: AT&T Writes Me To Say It's Spending Tons Of Money To Improve Network - The Consumerist (view on Google Sidewiki)This is stupid...
Two people died to protest something that didn't even happen, to protest the words of a nut on the other side of the world. It isn't just stupid, it is crazy.
in reference to: 2 killed in Afghan protest over Quran-burning plan - (view on Google Sidewiki)Happy Birthday Big Government...
What a year it has been.... really, only a year?
in reference to: » Big Government: What a Difference a Year Makes - Big Government (view on Google Sidewiki)I'm not a fan of cough medicine...
Ohhh no he isn't really married?
Isn't there something better to talk about?
in reference to: Where's Obama's Wedding Band? Getting Repaired - Political Punch (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Microbes are eating BP oil without using up oxygen
UN reports over 500 rapes in eastern Congo
This is just stupid....
It is really a stupid idea...
Of course they have the right to burn Korans, but should they? No, I don't think so. It is a pointless gesture that is only going to fuel more hatred and fear in this world. I doubt Jesus would approve - not that they care.
in reference to: U.S. Afghanistan commanders condemn Koran-burning plan | Reuters (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
This looks like a yummy site...
When I get enough money to buy food I hope to check it out more...
in reference to: Serious Eats: A Food Blog and Community (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, August 28, 2010
Glenn Beck speech...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
You either support freedom or you don't....
Both sides do this. But you have to have it one way or the other.
I support both the mosque and the Glenn Beck rally.
This was a stupid move for World Net Daily...
I agree with Ann on every point she made.
A speaking agreement is not an endorsement.
This is all about publicity for the World Net Daily site.
On a side note, however you view the issue of being gay, it is only one aspect of a persons life. Taking such firm stands against people who identify themselves as being gay is to needlessly push them into voting for democrats.
It is times like these that make me love Greg...
In doing so, he makes a solid point. I am sicked by those who oppose the mosque, and want the government to take action. This is America, and the government cannot do that, not while remaining the country so many have fought and died for. I understand people died on Sept. 11, and families are hurt but they are being used by parties on the right with their own agenda. I firmly believe that waving around your grief is not only tacky, but a weak political argument. That is where I agree with Greg the most, this shouldn't be a political discussion like it has been.
The forces against the mosque have turned this into a fight, and a fight demands defensiveness from both sides.
Even governments make mistakes...
1) There is an assumption in the conspiracy community on both side of the political spectrum that every government mistake is a cover-up. While I am not discounting the fact some cover-ups are played off as mistakes, I want to be shown why I should believe that. I haven't seen a solid why in this case.
2) The cry for those pushing the story has always been that the administration used TIllman's death for political ends. Simply put, isn't that exactly what opponents to the war are doing? Two wrongs do not make a right.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Cop Pulls Out Gun On Motorcyclist
This is just wrong in so many ways...
If anyone should be going to jail it is the officer involved in this case.
This is nuts... Police should be recorded.
If anyone needs to be video taped, it is the police. I say people should do it more often, not less. I also think laws should encourage the taping of police encounters. They are often dangerous, and often the events of them are disputed. Video tape of police events will encourage good cops to be good cops and help remove the bad cops.
On a side note, I bet no officer is going to complain in a case where an abuse claim is made, but the video proves it to be false.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Anchor babies shouldn't get citizenship
Based on what Ann is saying it was never the intent of the 14th amendment. It also seems like an automatic magnet to attract people to this country, and not the people who want to come and work and support themselves. I am not making a racist statement here, people who are responsible citizens, don't have babies they can't afford.
in reference to: Justice Brennan's Footnote Gave Us Anchor Babies - HUMAN EVENTS (view on Google Sidewiki)Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I don't know...
I don't know how I feel about this, one the one hand Arizona has the right to make laws without being bullied, but people who don't like those laws have the right not to spend their money there.
in reference to: Specter of Arizona immigration law slowly drains economy - (view on Google Sidewiki)Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I really hate this...
If he was the first person in a wheel chair to climb Mt. Everest, wow! If he were the first person in a wheel chair to sail across an ocean, wow! But the first person to be in a certain position of power, boring. The wheel chair didn't make it harder on him, what are we wowing about?
in reference to: Jim Langevin | Americans With Disabilities Act | John King | Mediaite (view on Google Sidewiki)Sometimes Jon nails the thing no one is saying...
And in this case he did it. Why would you trust someone so admittedly ideologically driven as Breitbart to the point of firing someone? Why would you not take a moment to review the facts?
in reference to: Jon Stewart Calls Andrew Breitbart Honest | Shirley Sherrod | The Daily Show | Mediaite (view on Google Sidewiki)Jon Stewart Calls Andrew Breitbart Honest | Shirley Sherrod | The Daily Show | Mediaite
Monday, July 26, 2010
Wow... history making snoozefest planned...
Drew is so hot
Drew is so hot
STFU people...
Is Paris racist, is this a Nazi thing... I don't know and I don't care. Even for gossip news this is pointless chatter.
in reference to: Paris Hilton denies pulling Nazi pose, saying she was just dancing | Mail Online (view on Google Sidewiki)