"Yesterday we told you that Jennifer Aniston had joined the cast of He's Just
Not That Into You and now Scarlett has signed on as well. Now don't get us wrong
- we love it when many of our favorite stars team up for a film, but this is
starting to make us a bit nervous about the fate of the movie. What do you think
- can too much star power ruin He's Just Not That Into You?Yesterday we told you
that Jennifer Aniston had joined the cast of He's Just Not That Into You and now
Scarlett has signed on as well. Now don't get us wrong - we love it when many of
our favorite stars team up for a film, but this is starting to make us a bit
nervous about the fate of the movie. What do you think - can too much star power
ruin He's Just Not That Into You?"
As Scarlett Johansson joins the cast of "Not That Into You", some are asking if too much star power will be bad for the movie. I think that a movie can work with an abundance of stars, if it is a good movie. A great example of how a movie can work is Oceans 11 which was a great movie and was packed with stars. Of course an example of a bad movie packed with stars would be Oceans 12.
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