Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » Iranian Forces Enter Iraq

The Strata-Sphere » Blog Archive » Iranian Forces Enter Iraq:

"This kind of incursion and exposure shows more desperation on the part of
those hoping the US will falter in Iraq. The only reason to make this kind of
reckless move is to stop huge reversals. The fact Iran is Persian and Iraq is
Arab is not to be lost on the dynamics of these kinds of situations. With
Iranian/Persian mortars raining down on Iraqi children (most likely Arab) the
region could easily turn against Iran. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq
could decide Persians should not be killing Arab children. That would pretty
much seal Iran’s fate. Both al-Qaeda and Iran are making serious mistakes,
showing they are getting worried and reckless. "

This raises a solid point, like Al Qaeda which lost public favor because of its killing of other Muslims, could Iran face a backlash for getting too involved in Iraq. The majority of Muslims in the world are of the Sunni branch, that Iran is supporting attacks against in Iraq. By becoming part of the conflict, could Iran change the nature of the conflict, where even Shia Arabs feel betrayed and more threaten by a Persian Iran than they friendship with a Shia Iran? If Iran is seen as attacking and killing Arabs in Iraq, that might engage more of the region to unite against Iran in its play for power in the middle east.

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