Sunday, August 19, 2007

Are You Sure You Want An Islamic Reformation?

Captain's Quarters: Are You Sure You Want An Islamic Reformation?

"The Protestant Reformation did precede the things these men admire about
modernity in the West, including women's emancipation, political liberty,
scientific breakthroughs, the wealth and opportunity created by the Industrial
Revolution, and permission to think freely regarding God. But all this came
later, and the Reformation was only part of what brought them about. The
Reformation was a time of intense focus on God and what He requires of people.
As a movement, it was enthusiastic, narrow and far from tolerant. It and the
Counter-Reformation brought two centuries of repression, war and massacre to the
West. It's unlikely that anyone who lived through it would consider wishing a
Reformation on Muslims."

Change wasn't easy for the west as the church went through its reformation. It isn't going to be easy for Islam and the nations of the east. Following the reformation, what should follow next as Ed points out in his blog, is a Islamic Enlightenment that changes the nature of religion from political to personal. If the Christian reformation was inevitable, then perhaps the Islamic reformation is equally inevitable.

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