Saturday, August 18, 2007

Talking Points Memo | Giuliani endorses Bush’s Social Security plan

Talking Points Memo Giuliani endorses Bush’s Social Security plan:

"Giuliani stressed his desire to have private forces shape the country's economy
in education as well as in health care and Social Security. He said he supported
President Bush's unsuccessful proposal to allow people to invest some of their
Social Security taxes in private accounts. 'I would have preferred, over my
lifetime, if I could have invested some of that Social Security money myself,'
said Giuliani, 63. 'I think I would have done much better than the government
did. I believe young people today, a lot of them feel that way. I think people
who want a private option should be entitled to have it.'"

Social security is a safety net for older people. It is meant to be there to take care of those who get to old to work. It is a system that I think I am not alone in feeling should be protected, I also think I am not alone in feeling mistrustful of attempts to change that system. Bush could not get this through, and I think that this is a failing stand for Giuliani as well. It should be noted that the majority of elderly people are conservative, and live off social security. When you talk about changing the system - you are talking about their pay checks and it doesn't make them happy.

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