Thursday, August 9, 2007

Another Debate About Women in the Blogosphere - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Another Debate About Women in the Blogosphere - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

I think this is a pointless debate. While I don't know what the balance of males/females in the blogosphere is, does it matter. When I am reading a blog, it is the content that matters to me more than anything else. Often I am not aware of the gender of the blogger until I have read it for some time.

Secondly, what is to be done about this problem. The blogosphere is the most free form of communication that has been invented yet. If there are less womyn, then it is by their own choosing. I venture to guess that men and womyn think differently, and that might have something to do with why more males would take to blogging (if that is the case).

Why are we talking about this?

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