Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Bush on the “19 kids” who attacked us on 9/11

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Bush on the “19 kids” who attacked us on 9/11:

"Not just cringeworthy but factually wrong: many of them were in their mid-20s
and Atta, the ringleader, had just turned 33. Tammy Bruce is beside herself. I
don’t want to beat up on him too much since his larger point, about the need to
dismantle the Islamist death cult before it brainwashes more fanatics, is right
and just. But he’s awfully close to the line here of excusing them for what they
did. Absolving terrorists of their moral agency is the province of the left.
Let’s keep it that way."

People go over every word that the president says to the press to see what it might mean. They read his words like tea leaves to understand what his intentions are. The statement about the 19 kids that attacked us on 9/11 gives them plenty of fuel. While there are a number of ideas why he made the statement he did, and why he choose the words he did, could it have all just been a slip of the tongue? I am usually slow to read into things, when there is little information, I see no reason to believe there is some hidden message in his statement.

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