Thursday, August 9, 2007

Rudy Won't Answer Faith-Based Abortion Questions, Promotes Drug War - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

Rudy Won't Answer Faith-Based Abortion Questions, Promotes Drug War - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime:

"'I believe that things about my personal life should be discussed personally
and privately,' he said, adding that his personal life is relevant only to the
extent that it would affect his performance in office."

What I don't think Rudy understands is that he wants us to elect him to the most powerful office in the country. The most powerful leader in the world arguably. There are parts of his private life that I agree do not need to be a part of the public record. However if he wants to be trusted with power, Americans want to know who he is. They want to know what kind of person he is, and how he is going to handle power if he gets into office. There are things you just don't know about a person, until you understand more about their private life. Open up Rudy.

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